EZViz Camera connection to HA

Ciao, sei più riuscito a far funzionare le cam Ezviz marchiate Tim? Se si, come? Grazie!

Hi, did you get Tim’s Ezviz cameras working? If yes, how? Thanks!

Yes but the stream was a little bit late. I ended up using kerberos.io so i can use the motion sensor too. You can set it up with the platform generic and the rstp input same in kerberos.oo

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Motioneye! Solved all my issues. Installed the add on.
Added the stream urls and worked straight away. And with another make of camera. Add an iframe to the lovelace card also.
Within 10 minutes had them all set up.

goodmorning, can i know how did you set up the ezviz cameras to motion eye? thanks so much

Hi All, I just finished the config for my EZVIZ C3a cam on motioneye. I selected network cam on rtsp://local IP of Camera:554/H.264 and typed in the user (admin) and password (encryptionkey on the camera)
Camera is working in motioneye and I was able to add the video stream in HA after changing configuration.yaml

    platform: mjpeg
    name: TestCam1
    still_image_url:  copied URL from motioneye
    mjpeg_url: copied URL from motioneye
    username: admin
    password: password login to Motioneye

But how can I use the motion detection from the cam to switch on some lights?
I think it needs to be done with the webhook system? but I can use some hlp on that topic.


different method I guess.
I just added the url from motioneye after they were added into an iframe card on HA.

Have you managed to set static IP’s on them?
I tried on my router but they still change if the router or power does down.

I added the EZVIZ camera to the dhcp static reserved list on my router. (DHCP server). It’s getting the same IP every time.

I also get the video stream on the iframe card, no problem.

But I cannot figure out how to use the motion detection as a trigger in my automations?

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Unortunately my ISP router does not have the option. I tried on my second router (Asus) but as its not the DHCP server it loses them.
One day I need to call the ISP company and set the main router as a bridge and switch off their DHCP. If I have another DHCP switched on then I get conflicts obviously.

I am using the EZVIZ camera in motion eye too mate.

You need to use the MQTT sensor and create a motion sensor and then use the MQTT command in motion eye to trigger the sensor on or off and then automate around it. Let me know if you need to see any config etc


Can we get your camera configuration section as an example ?

Please share if you can :slight_smile:


Example configuration.yaml entry


  • platform: ffmpeg
    name: Garden
    input: rtsp://admin:password(code on the camera XXXXXX)@ipadress:554

Then set up a MQtt sensor as below


  • platform: mqtt
    state_topic: “home/backyard/camera/motion”
    name: Backyard camera Motion
    device_class: motion

You need to add the camera as an Ip camera in Motion eye

And control it from the motion eye under Motion Notifications use the following commands for ON and OFF

mosquitto_pub -h localhost -u mqttusername -P mqttpassword -t home/backyard/camera/motion -m “ON” -r

mosquitto_pub -h localhost -u mqttusername -P mqttpassword -t home/backyard/camera/motion -m “OFF” -r


Please see below mate

I’ll give this a go cheers.

Was hoping to use nodered to receive motioeye notifications and send to my telegram bot. No success yet.
Started looking at macdroid webhooks also. Quite a few options.
Uploading to dropbox isn’t working for me yet either.
Lots of issues.

I use upload to google drive and works seamlessly mate.

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What was the path you used for the upload to Google Drive?

I created a folder in drive ‘MotionEye’.
Then used ‘/MotionEye/’ in the path. Still nothing uploading. Key test was success.

Got it working thanks!.
Looks like when I authorised google it signed the wrong account (I have 3!)

Whenever MotionEye is restarted it loses access to Google Drive.
Anyway of preventing this?

Has anyone had problems with this integration since updating HA to 0.115.2?
I have had to remove the code from configuration.yaml as the code triggers an invalid configuration.

Since update to 0.115.2 don’t work no more