Ezviz Light bulb setup

Hey guys, new to the forum and already having questions…

I just started the whole HA and smart home things, and I bought an Ezviz LB1 RGB light bulb (ofc, what else? :smiley: ). I added the Ezviz integration, I logged into my account, but no lights. Any idea/help?

Thanks, and have a wonderful day

Hi to everyone, i’ve the same problem… home assistant can’t detect light bulb Ezviz LB1 neither adding to configuration.yaml this:


  - platform: ezviz_cloud

    username: ****

    password: ****


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same issue here - LB1 is not detected and I dont know how to configure it

Hi guys, same issue with my Ezviz bulb.
Regarding the Ezviz_cloud is only for the Ezviz ip-cam, for that not work.
I thought with a custom firmware may be possibile to connect the bulb at home assistant (like happen with sonoff device with Tasmota firmware) but I didn’t find anything.

I’m in the same situation, I also searched for APIs on the net but I didn’t find anything

:thinking::pensive::pensive:ho no :pensive::pensive::pensive: