Fabric Covers - set a static length


I bought Zigbee fabric blinds from IKEA which works fine with HA - if only they were not that long… My window is 1,20 long and the blinds are 2,30 long.
I exposed the entity in Alexa via the Home Assistent Integration and when I say “Alexa shut down blinds” the blinds are going down all the way, 2.40 m .:(.
So I have to say “Alexe shut down blinds 55%” to cover the window completely"…

Can I set a static length to my HA, a fixed size, so that my Home Assistent have the impression my blinds are 1.20 long and not 2.40?

any Idea how to solve that? Couldn’t find anything in the Community yet.

I’d assumed that would be part of the initial setup of the device. Have you gone back and checked the Ikea instruction booklet?

:slight_smile: I couldn’t stop myself from looking.

Set default level of extension using front panel buttons
Positions the blinds to physically highest top position.
When blinds are at a lower position than top and the user double presses the down button, this position will be saved as new lower limit.
In top position if user double presses either up or down button this clears the lower limit and resets default max level of extension.

From this pdf:

Good Morning.

Sry was on vacation. @teleksterling Good hint, I try this out Today!


This worked, thanks!