Face detection with Docker/Machinebox

OK so can’t comment on latency due to camera. A fair benchmark test would be to compare the time for face detection for dlib/facebox from an image file. On my Mac (8 GB ram, localhost) face detection (recognition OFF) takes about 0.5 sec. In production I run facebox on a synology (also 8 GB ram but less CPU and also over network) detection takes about 2 seconds. @arsaboo is running on a NUC and getting great performance I think.

Of course one major benefit of facebox over dlib is that you can run facebox on ANY computer on your network, whilst dlib must run on the machine hosting HA - which if an RPi is a serious constrint.

Good to know, I’m getting similar face detection times but I’m running Home Assistant on a Xeon E3. I’ll give it a go on the next Home Assistant release, thanks!

Facebox is merged to HA dev and anticipated to be released in HA 0.70


Rob. Got it running. Works great!
Im running a NuC clone (AMD A8-5545M) with 8gb RAM.
created an automation to take a picture save it as the local_file camera and announce the recognised picture via tts.
takes about 5 seconds.

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FWIW, on my NUC (Skull Canyon - i7, 32GB RAM) with 4 cameras detection is about 0.2 seconds. For tagbox, the response time is about 0.7 seconds.

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@juan11perez use of TTS is cool - are you using recognition so it announces WHO its recognised? I had in mind an automation so Alexa would announce who is approaching my front door (if recognised)

How is the recognition? Also, are you using it for detection or recognition?

It is possible that recognition takes longer.

Rob, that’s the intention. It takes the snap on motion trigger and announces via TTS using Chromecast.
I didn’t try alexa since currently you need to ask it.

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I’m using recognition. So motion trigger, picture, recognition and notifications.
Really cool
I currently have a ring doorbell, which in my view is useless, but I’m installing one of these

Which I can add via ZoneMinder

Oh that bell looks good. I am surprised it took someone that long.

How is the recognition accuracy?

Where did you order the door bell from? Looks good. Was planning on buying a Ring.

Read lots of reviews. Main appeal is no cloud storage and direct integration with HA.

Not tested it yet.

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I ordered from Amazon US. It’s repackaged by RCA.

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I meant the recognition on Facebox…how is it?

Ah. … sorry :wink:
Tested myself and wife.
With front face picture is 100%.

So I pressume with a doorbell snap will be fine.

when you say front face picture…approx what portion of the picture was covered by the face?

thanks @robmarkcole this is working perfect on my Hassbian.

guys i have question, can i install facebox and tagbox on the same docker, i have facebox running and wanted to install tagbox but it’s giving me an error about the port 8080, i’m not sure if need to be on a different host, thanks

You will need to configure one of the containers to map to a different port

@arsaboo face was taking about 50% of the frame.

Rob, so on your optimisation recommendation; I think it’s a must. Overnight it bled about 0.5G of ram on the default scan interval. would this be the correct sintax for calling the scan service?

  • service: image_processing.service_scan
    entity_id: image_processing.facebox_saved_images

Thank you