Fail to enable remote Access with DuckDNS


Sorry to bring up an old discussion but i need help.

I am trying to establish remote access to my .

I am able to get the DuckDNS plugin running, the log shows no errors.

I also have the port forwardings set in my router, it’s a NETGEAR WNDR3400V3.!

But can’t access Home Assistant, please someone help!

You are forwarding every port between 443 and 8123 to your internal machine This wrong and dangerous. You do not need 7681 ports forwarded.

The ports should read

443 443 8123 8123 if you are trying to forward port 443 external to 8123 internal.

They should read

8123 8123 8123 8123 if you are trying to forward port 8123 external to port 8123 internal.

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When i do it this way:

443 443 8123 8123 if you are trying to forward port 443 external to 8123 internal.

I can’t even login to http://hassio.local:8123

OK do it your way, don’t blame me for screwing it up.

I’m not trying to do it my way.

I’m just saying that i tried doing this 443 443 8123 8123 and it didn’t work.

I’m a lawyer without any technical skills, please bare with me.

Lawyer here too :slight_smile:

can you log in using the ip address instead of “hassio.local…”?

I think I know what the problem is!

I have an ISP modem/router that i connect my netgear router to.

I was port forwarding my own netgear router, i need to port forward the ISP modem/router, right?

the problem is i don’t have password for the ISP modem and they don’t want to give it to me.

Is there a solution or a workaround option to this?

Does the modem have a bridging mode?

Hi, I’m trying to help a friend to set ports on fritzbox as the image, i.e. 8123 to 8123, external desired 443 but external assigned 8123, I have the same settings and I can access with duckdns and also have alexa integration with haaska working, with his router (fritzbox 7590) he can’t set the external assigned port to 8123,the router set 443 and the field is not editable, how can he solve? I have 7.01 firmware but he has 7.12

443-8123 is what you want.

I have no problems because my settings are the same as the image, my friend can’t edit the lower fields, the router set always 443 but for alexa integration to work he needs 8123 external assigned, I don’t remeber hiw I managed to have those settings so we were wondering if it could be a firmware modem problem

I use a 7590 with that exact firmware and I assure you it’s not that.

Unless his ISP has locked the fritzbox down.

after two days of trying a lot of probabilities, finally i have remote access from cellular network, and that’s the problem, because that is the only access i have from the application on my phones, if i change to wifi i lose connction or i have to browse the “httpS://my.ip.address:8123” to access.
this is my router configuration after port forwarging.

best regards.

So your router won’t let you connect from ? Which router is it? Does it support NAT loopback / hairpin NAT?

hey David,

yes it supports that it a Netis DL4323D,
it worked once this morning i was testing, but after a reboot to make sure that everythings is ok i lost it.

Set up your lan’s DNS server to set to

Hi David, when I try to create qualifications in my 7590 unfortunately I don’t know why but I think it doesn’t work properly.!

The Hassio configuration is the correct internal 8123 external door 8123
But when I create the https server configuration with internal port 8123 and external port 443 he still takes 8123

Same router, same problem.