Fail to install back-up in Pimox

Hi all,

I have been using HAOS for a while now on a RPI3b with SD card, and I decided to move my HA to a RPI5 running Pimox.
I have installed HAOS as a VM using tteck’s amazing helper script: bash -c “$(wget -qLO -”
Creation of the VM and install goes incredibly smooth and I quickly get to the HAOS UI where I can restore from back-up.

However, this is were the issue begins. When I restore from back up, I lose connection to the web UI and it doesn’t come back. I see in Pimox that there was some activity during the restore. I can still access the console and the observer URL, where I can see the following:
I believe it might have something to do with HA core since it is not mentioned.

I might be overlooking something very obvious at this point, but I am not sure what.
I really would like to avoid rebuilding my entire HA instance because of this. Anyone knows how to resolve this issue?

Wild guess, but most probable cause:
If your previous installation had static IP set up in HA, the restore might be setting that IP.
Meanwhile, your new Pi5 installation had been handed a different IP due to DHCP so the url you were accessing before the restore is no longer valid.

Check your router and/or pimox and see which IPs belong to your HA instances and are online. Make sure you’re using the IP when accessing the URL instead of the homeassistant.local address to eliminate mdns issues.

EDIT: you can check the IPv4 address in the HA console itself in proxmox

Hi Shadowfist,

Unfortunately, this is not the cause. To prevent this, I turned off my old HA assistance and made a new account on the pimox HA. I then switched the IP of HA on Pimox to the IP of my old HA. I then saw in the console that the IP indeed switched correctly. I then tried to restore from back-up in the new HA instance but still had the same issue.

Show the HA console screen from within pimox like my screenshot in the previous post.

If you don’t see any errors there, confirm you’re trying to access it using the http://yourIP:8123 and not the dns name. If you still can’t get in, then do a host reboot and retry the previous steps. If that also fails, your best bet would be to go through the logs (both home-assistant.log as well as home-assistant.log.1) to see if there’s any clue there.

One last question - you weren’t using DuckDns or some other kind of external access before the switch, were you?

It worked!
I accessed HA via http://<MY_IP>:8123, so that was not the issue. I am using tailscale, but also that wasn’t the issue.
The ‘host reboot’ fixed it. Previously I rebooted it via the reboot button in the pimox GUI. It seems that this difference in rebooting might have been the issue.

Thanks a lot, Shadowfist!

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