Failed login attemps from localhost

Not sure if this is the correct location to post but wouldn’t know where else to do it.

Since a couple of days I see this over and over again in the logs:
2024-06-27 11:12:41.417 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.http.ban] Login attempt or request with invalid authentication from localhost ( Requested URL: ‘/auth/token’. (HomeAssistant-Extensions-PushProvider/2024.5.1 (io.robbie.HomeAssistant.PushProvider; build:2024.688; iOS 16.1.1) Alamofire/5.8.0)

any ideas what could be causing this?


would need more info to really know but starting with a guess…

are you running your home assistant from within a docker container or otherwise in a vm? the indicates that a login is being attempted from the same machine that it’s being hosted on.

are you using nginx proxy manager or something like that? which i proxying traffic in?

or alternatively, if you go to users (settings->people->users) and go through each person, is there someone who erroneously has “can only login from local network” turned on that shouldn’t be?

alright you’re right I should given some more information

I run HA on a raspberry pi with raspberry pi os.

No NGINX proxy manager for connection from outside I use nabu casa for that. NGINX may have been installed from some add on however.

There is only one user that has limit logon to only local network, but that use is now disabled and I still have the issue.

I was hoping that the references to pushprovider or io.robbie.homeasstant would point me in the right direction as now I have absolutely no idea where to start looking.

I had to reboot the machine and no longer see those log messages.

Still would have liked to know what was causing them

The error has returned . So, still looking what might cause the problem. Don’t know where to even start looking.

As I can see a reference to IOS 16.1.1 could this be relate to the Home Assistant companion app on a mobile phone?

alright found the problem; an ipad with home assistant companian app installed with old settings.