Failed to call "notify / notify name" service required key not provided @data ['message']

Good evening, when I go into service and call the service notify.notifier_name, a message appears at the bottom of the screen “Failed to call the service” notify / notifier name "required key not provided @data [‘message’] " I do not know what to do. Do you have a solution to solve this problem?

Here is my configuration:

  • name: notifier_name
    platform: smtp
    port: 465
    timeout: 15
    sender:! secret email_address
    encryption: tls
    username:! secret email_address
    password:! secret mdp_address_mail
    -! secret address_domotic
    sender_name: My Home Assistant
    title: ‘Lighting Alert’
    message: ‘Light Off’

You need to provide some service data:

"title":"Test Title",
"message":"Test Message"

Normaly the parameters show up under the ‘Call Service’ button, maybe a bug.

EDIT: Looks like the base parameters are all the same for notify components.

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Thank you @VDRainer for giving me this answer.

In my HA (version 0.94.0), the “notify.notifier_name” parameters are missing below the “call service” button. However, when entering the following data in “service data”:
“title”: “Test Title”,
“message”: “Test Message”
and that we click on the button “call service”, I receive the message on my smartphone.

In summary, there is a bug in HA: the parameters of “notify.notifier_name” are missing below the “call service” button

How do you make this bug go up to HA developers?

Thanks again for your flashes

You can open an issue on github.