Failed to call service system_log/write

I’m getting this issue on two different tablets when I wake them up with motion using Fully Kiosk. Neither the logbook nor the system/logs show any issues? It shows up in the lower left corner of the frontend and doesn’t seem to cause any issues other than the annoyance of the warning.


I’m having this error too. I recently installed browser mod and am wondering if it’s coming from there.

I have Browser Mod too, but I uninstalled the integration and was still getting the error. Thus, it’s either Home Assistant or Fully Kiosk. It’s odd because nothing shows up in the log. My tablet usually goes into slideshow mode using a third party app. When I wake it from the slideshow it switches to Fully Kiosk and vibrates with the error.

I recently started receiving this error as well in the last few days. While I have Fully Kiosk, this error only appears on my non-kiosked devices, so I believe it is related to the latest OS update. Mine specifically says “Failed to call service system_log/write. unknown error” and I could not find any associated logs (which seems to fit the error itself).

For both of my tablets, the error presents itself when the tablet comes out of screensaver mode (using a third party app), the tablet vibrates twice and then shows the error. I’m not sure why it even vibrates twice?

The same … sometimes my phone is non stop vibrating … :frowning: Need to kkill the appz first then restart … In anycase, it’s super super slow UI in general (3-4 times slower than before)

Folks, the solution will be fixed with 2023.10.0

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Well… running 2023.10.0 and the issue is still present.

Hallo zusammen

Das Problem ist auch mit einem Update nicht behoben bei mir ist es immer noch auf zwei Geräten was kann ich machen ?