Failed to execute controller command after 1/3 attempts. Scheduling next try

You’re not using HA, you’re using Z-Wave JS UI. They don’t want you posting HA bugs, that’s all it means.

Try the troubleshooting docs, esp. Connectivity issues.

To start with, make sure your stick is on a short extension cord.

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Its on a bit longer than a short one (32 feet) else it would be sitting in the crawlspace however it’s always worked and is an active cable.

You’ve only provided a log snippet. Do you have logs from Z-Wave JS startup?

Should I paste them all in the message?

Sure, just startup is enough.

Guess I can’t do a pastebin to much info.

This is zwavejs_2023-02-01.log. I pulled the device and put it back in after 7:00AM this morning and later started acting up again, Times seem odd so guess GMT:

The z-ui_2023-02-01.log file:

Your errors appear when the driver starts up. Sorry to say but I think the Windows version of Z-Wave JS is just broken at this time. Which is a bit disappointing because it used to work. See GH issue #5024.

The issue was logged for Windows 11, but others–including myself just now–have reproduced it with Windows 10. For me it completely fails on Windows in a similar (but not exact) manner as yours, but works perfectly on a Linux box in the same room.

Unfortunately, you’re either going to have to wait for a fix, or continue on the path of finding a non-Windows solution.

Thanks for the reply and looking into the logs. Can you share where you are seeing it fail to initialize the driver in my logs? Also why would it work at all? Is it working and then the driver re-initializing at some point and having issues?

Same errors you posted above. They just start when the driver loads.

Just weird that it works and the eventually it kind of works. Reading that issue sounds like even if I moved this to my other Windows 10 workstation it would still be an issue. Guess the question is could I go back to an older version and if so would it have to be on Windows 10 not I guess in my case Windows 2022 which is perhaps more Windows 11ish?

Didn’t catch you’re using 2022. You might add that information to the GH issue, seems to be affecting multiple versions.

Is that issue being considered anymore? Looks like it’s been sitting for a bit but will post there. I don’t really have any other options other than to move it to my Windows 10 computer and setup a VMware Workstation instance with Linux there. Feel like I’m going backwards as that’s where my old HA system was at.

The issue is still open, if it weren’t being considered it would be closed. There’s no reason to assume Z-Wave JS has suddenly dropped support for Windows just because there hasn’t been any activity on that issue for a short time. The developer was away for some time and issues are being worked through as quickly as possible.

Think the thought may be it’s different as mine works and at some random time it stops but that issue seems like it’s completely non functional and never loading the driver.

Well, your claim was that it was working for years in a Linux environment. Now you are seeing problems but in a Windows environment. A logical conclusion based on those statements is Windows is the problem.

However, maybe something else changed during the time you switched. The only way you’re going to confirm that is if you switch back to Linux, install the same version of Z-Wave JS, and see whether it fails in the same way or not.

Right but just because someone else is having a windows problem doesn’t mean mine is the same issue. Per the dev the other individuals doesn’t load at all in Windows 11. Anyway, going to give it some time again to see what happens. Disabled some things in the GUI so curious if it will help. Guess worst case can setup VMware Workstation again and passthru the stick like I did for the last several years to ZWaveJS UI only setup and see what happens.

While I’m sure this can eventually work. A challenge is not being on a typical deployment environment; its hard to know if this is issue 1 of 1 or issue 1 of 100.

I’d look at getting an inexpensive NUC, put Linux/Docker/zwavejs on it.

Trying some things right now to see if it helps from random things I found on the net like:

  1. Disabling DNS Discovery
  2. Disable Statistics (wasn’t listed by other post but figured why enable it)
  3. Disable Soft Reset

Seeing what impact that has on things.

No joy. Couple days after setting that started acting up again. Odd part is:

  1. If I stop and start ZWaveJS UI when things are working, it has no impact. Keeps working after that.
  2. If I stop and start ZWaveJS UI after things are “slowing down” it starts again but when you open the GUI it shows failed to load the driver.

One thing I’m curious to test as thought it failed but not 100% sure I did this, when I telnet to 3000 I think it fails when things are acting up where it shows the usual blank screen with the flashing cursor when things are fine.

Side question on this. I’m suspecting that the actual problem, and not 100% yet, is that when I open HWInfo 64-bit it’s querying the USB ports and causing some kind of disconnect or inconsistent functionality of the Z-Wave stick? HWInfo says it’s not going to be his app and if it’s happening due to his queries means there is a bug in the device/firmware. Thoughts?