Failed to install add-on eWeLink

Hi !
I need help. I cant install ewelink addons.
I get error :

Failed to install add-on
Get “”: net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

I add GitHub - CoolKit-Technologies/ha-addon and add ver. 1.2.9

Please help !

Use the integration from HACS instead, it works much better.

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wauu, thankyou… I finally made it. It works! Thankyou
I had trouble extracting the I copy with file editot to foder custom components.
Unpacking was not possible, so i put SD card to another rpi3 and copy extracted file.

Can someone tell me how to copy and extract the files to the folder “custom components” in the future ?
WIth File Editor i can only upload one file at a time. I can’t the whole folder
