Failed to save thread network credential

Hi there when i try and add new matter devices to HA i get an error on the app, Failed to save thread network credential, ,error: Thread network credentials do not match with any of the active thread networks around, and the matter device fails to install/connect, I have only tried with Wifi devices so not sure if this is the issue or not. Any help would be appreciated.

It sounds as if you are saying that you are trying to add a Matter-over-WiFi device and are receiving a Thread error, which should never happen. Can you provide more details what you are doing and where it is failing? For example:

Is the device you are commissioning Matter-over-Thread or Matter-over-WiFi?

What make and model of Thread Border Router is installed on your network?

What Matter commissioning app are you using? HA companion for iOS, HA companion for Android, Apple Home, Google Home, Amazon/Alexa, or other?

Have you successfully deployed any Matter devices yet, and if so, what kind and what fabric (i.e. what app) controls them?