Failed to set power on: org.bluez.Error.Failed

After having worked for a few days, my Xiaomi Temperature and Humidity sensors became unavailable. I figured that it was a Bluetooth issue:

Could not cycle the Bluetooth adapter hci0 [E4:5F:01:80:FF:42]: [Errno 110] Operation timed out
21:19:13 – (WARNING) components/bluetooth/ - message first occurred at 21:18:30 and shows up 4 times
Config entry 'E4:5F:01:80:FF:42' for bluetooth integration not ready yet: hci0 (E4:5F:01:80:FF:42): Failed to start Bluetooth: [org.bluez.Error.NotReady] Resource Not Ready; Retrying in background
21:19:00 – (WARNING) - message first occurred at 21:18:35 and shows up 2 times

So, after ssh into HA and using command bluetoothctl I stopped bluetooth, then when I power it on I get the following error:

[CHG] Controller E4:5F:01:80:FF:42 PowerState: off-enabling
Failed to set power on: org.bluez.Error.Failed
[CHG] Controller E4:5F:01:80:FF:42 PowerState: on

Does anyone have any idea what can be done?

Bluetooth has nothing to do with Zigbee. This is the Zigbee forum so might not be posting in right place.

Which exact sensors do you have and if they are Zigbee sensors then what is your Zigbee setup?

hey, thanks for your reply. meanwhile I managed to figure it out. RPI4’s BT died and couldn’t restart, so I bought a BT4 dongle and now all works just fine.

Good for you, but to clarify; it then does not have anything to do with Zigbee or HA’s ZHA integration.

oh , yea I’m aware that this is a Bluetooth / RPI issue, I just didn’t know where to put it