Failed to start add-on Z-Wave JS

I’ve had a rough go with my HomeAssistant this morning. It started with my Android App not being able to connect and it went downhill from there. I’m running a VirtualBox VM with HomeAssistant OS on a Windows box. Everything has been working relatively well…this morning I couldn’t get it to start properly, kept complaining about not connected to the network. Long story short I restarted my windows and got it to start. It seems that it updated Core to the latest version this morning, or last night, either way, I’m trying to get my Z-Wave JS to start but when I tell it to start it gives me this error

Failed to start add-on

Image homeassistant/amd64-addon-zwave_js:0.1.68 does not exist for addon_core_zwave_js

I’m currently running

Z-Wave JS
Current version: 0.1.68

I’ve read around a bit on the addon and it seems that the addon is specific to the core version (which is why I mentioned that I think it just upgraded), this seems like something that needs to be added in the source, and not something I’m specifically doing wrong, but I’ve neve had any issues with this add-on before, so looking for some guidance if at all possible

If anyone cares…I’ve gotten two updates to the ZWave add on, and it now starts properly

how did you get the updates?