There’s lots of info on accessing hassos using SSH with port 22222 on this forum. Nevertheless, I cannot make mine to work… Any hint would be appreciated, this is what I’ve done:
- HassOS 3.12
- Home Assistant Core 0.107.6
- Terminal & SSH add on is working on port 22. I can login using PuTTY and private/public key files -
on the Config part of the add-on I have:
- >-
password: ''
and on the Network part I set the ‘host’ to 22.
I then followed the instructions on this doc: https://developers.home-assistant.io/docs/hassio_debugging/#ssh-access-to-the-host -
created the “authorized_keys” file with public key (ANSI, LF, OpenSSH format) and imported it through the “Import from USB option”. I used the same public key as I used above for the Terminal & SSH add-on.
The system log looks right:
20-04-03 06:05:38 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.hassos] Syncing configuration from USB with HassOS.
20-04-03 06:05:38 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.host.services] Restart local service hassos-config.service
20-04-03 06:05:38 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.utils.gdbus] Call org.freedesktop.systemd1.Manager.RestartUnit on /org/freedesktop/systemd1
But trying with PuTTY on port 22222 gives me the error:
Network error: Connection refused
What am I missing on this process?
To make the story complete, I’m trying to access the OS in order to add to the “/boot/config.txt” with “dtoverlay=sdtweak,poll_once” in order to make my RPI 3B+ stop checking for existence of an sd card (I’m using SSD).