Sorry if the title is too vague.
I want to read the status of my alarm system using the provider API. I am getting a response but am not able to isolate the specific value of “areas” they are returning.
“areas” can have a value of ‘armed’, ‘stay’, ‘sleep’, ‘notready’, etc.
I’ve set up a RESTful sensor in my config as below
- platform: rest
name: getolarmstatus
json_attributes_path: "$.data.[0].deviceState"
- "areas"
value_template: "{{ value_json.areas }}"
method: GET
Authorization: xxxx
scan_interval: 300
Below is excerpt from what I am getting back
In the example above I want to isolate just the value “stay”.
Going to Developer Tools
{{ states.sensor.getolarmstatus }}
<template TemplateState(<state sensor.getolarmstatus=; areas=['stay'], friendly_name=getolarmstatus @ 2022-11-18T15:06:37.142418+02:00>)>
I’ve tried drilling down further but suspect I’m not fully understanding how it works
{{ states.sensor.getolarmstatus.areas }}
{{ states.sensor.getolarmstatus.areas[0] }}
does nothing
I’m running Home Assistant 2022.11.2, Supervisor 2022.10.2