- Brand new Raspberry Pi 4
- Installed on SSD card using Rasperry Pi Imager
- No extra hardware, addons or integrations installed except the Terminal.
- Running Home Assistant 2023.6.1 Supervisor 2023.06.1 Operating System 10.2 Frontend 20230608.0
I’m trying to enable Wifi, but when I go into Settings/System/Network/WLAN0, select IPv4 ‘Automatic’ I get ‘Unknown error, see supervisor logs’.
In the logs I see:
* Failed to to call /network/interface/wlan0/update -
* Failed to to call /ingress/validate_session -
* /network/interface/wlan0/update return code 500
* /ingress/validate_session return code 401
When doing the same via the command line in the terminal:
➜ ~ ha network update wlan0 --ipv4-method=auto --log-level debug
DEBU[0000] Adding homedir to searchpath homedir=/root
INFO[0000] No configfile found
DEBU[0000] Debug flags apiToken=471b0c5e747254017a8153e7749eea0daf965059df763f5eb34d0a07e1ee636b4c91f2633f64fccdc5fe8bebbca999901af96e6a699444ce cfgFile= endpoint=supervisor logLevel=debug noProgress=false rawJSON=false
DEBU[0000] network update args="[wlan0]"
DEBU[0000] [GenerateURI] base=supervisor command="interface/{interface}/update" section=network
DEBU[0000] [GenerateURI] Result uri="http://supervisor/network/interface/{interface}/update" url="http://supervisor/network/interface/%7Binterface%7D/update" url(string)="http://supervisor/network/interface/{interface}/update"
DEBU[0000] Request body options="map[enabled:true ipv4:map[method:auto]]"
DEBU[0000] Response body="500 Internal Server Error\n\nServer got itself in trouble" fields.time=11.352634ms headers="map[Content-Length:[55] Content-Type:[text/plain; charset=utf-8] Date:[Tue, 13 Jun 2023 19:35:51 GMT] Server:[Python/3.11 aiohttp/3.8.4]]" received-at="2023-06-13 21:35:51.390271997 +0200 CEST m=+0.017803176" request="&{POST http://supervisor/network/interface/wlan0/update HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Accept:[application/json] Authorization:[Bearer 471b0c5e747254017a8153e7749eea0daf965059df763f5eb34d0a07e1ee636b4c91f2633f64fccdc5fe8bebbca999901af96e6a699444ce] Content-Type:[application/json] User-Agent:[go-resty/2.7.0 (]] 0x40001b6120 0x2a6340 41 [] false supervisor map[] map[] <nil> map[] <nil> <nil> <nil> 0x4000022150}" status="500 Internal Server Error" statuscode=500
ERRO[0000] Unexpected server response
Unexpected server response
Any ideas what I can try out next?