Failing to upgrade to latest zigbee2mqtt version

Hi all, I’m on the latest HA (2023.6.2) and am running zigbee2mqtt 1.18.1. I am trying to upgrade to the latest version of zigbee2mqtt. I have taken a full backup and an addon backup.
If i add the latest repository, 1.31.1, i end up with 2 versions of zigbee2mqtt (1.18.1 and 1.31). i notice that the old version is called zigbee2mqtt and the new one zigbee2MQTT. So that seems odd.

I followed a few steps on the web, such as deleting the old version, installing the new version and then restoring my addon backup, but this just puts me back to 1.18.1.

Any idea how I can keep my settings and devices and upgrade to the new version?