Family calendar / kids tasks

Hey everyone.
I am VERY new to HA. I am not a programmer. I’m not sure if something like this is available or if it’s something that can be done or made.

What I am looking to do is get some help developing a calendar that will show our family events (hopefully brought in from our icalendar).
I have 3 small kids, two of which are ADHD, and we need to try additional tools to help them focus.
And then allow my young kids to be able to tap on their picture or name or color circle and it will pull up a list of their routine tasks & chores. Before school, after school and before bedtime. The kids will click on the task then then it will add a star and a the end of the week it will add all the stars for that week.

Then there will also be a category for additional tasks they can do to for money. Ie cleaning up the yard, watering the grass, dusting, vacuuming etc. Then at the end of the week it will show the total $$

Here are some samples of what I saw online but I read they done integrate with HA.

Thank you for your advice.

Take a look at this and see if it would work for what you need:

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