Fan controlled with Broadlink

I have a ceiling fan that has a IR remote, my broadlink has learnt the codes and I have them working in HA as a switch.
I’m not sure how to translate this into the fan.template component. The fan is simple, just Off, Low, Med, High commands. I think, that I need to write a script that calls the switch component and turns it on or off?

Anyone who ends up on this page looking for the answer. I used this repo to setup the fan component using Broadlink.

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Based on the link, it stated RF, but the fan use IR. Does it still work? How you configured?

You can use either. You just need to edit the broadlink_fan_codes ini files with your commands.

You need to get the commands out using the HA switch.broadlink_learn_command tool.

Ya, i manage to configure and its working.

Just in Google Home, it is visible as 2 entries, 1 as On/Off switch and 1 as “fan”. Clicking on the fan shows the config only - no On/Off/Speed. Using the switch, yes i can On/Off the fan.

I can’t control the fan speed in Google either using the fan entity. It’s either on or off. I don’t think the integration is there yet?

Hi can you integrate temperature and Humidity sensor in smart ir fan component???

Yes. I have the wirelesstag temperature sensors. I use these in automations for setting the fan speed when I get home and it’s hot.

There’s an updated component for this now.


  - platform: smartir
    name: Plafondventilator
    unique_id: bedroom_fan
    device_code: 1020
    controller_send_service: switch.broadlink_send_packet_10_0_1_41

I have this in my configuration.yaml. When I check my config it says “Platform not found: fan.smartir”

In my switches.yaml I have

- platform: broadlink
  mac: '**:**:**:**:**:**'

I have al the files in in the directories:

Thanks for the help!

The smartir directory is in the custom_components directory of your config?

Yes it is in config/custom_components

I can’t see anything wrong with your config. It all looks the same as mine. Have you tried restarting the server?

Do you see a fan.bedroom_fan component in your states menu?