Fan speed automation fjaraskupan

Fan speed preset/value in an automation. As it is right now its only on or off at the lowest speed. #fjaraskupan

For what integration?
Generally that is set by the hardware.

Have you asked on the forum if it was possible for your brand/model fan before assuming it is not possible? The documentation has all kinds of information on how to operate a fan:

This is how I set speed and direction on mine:

  - service: fan.set_percentage
      percentage: 50
      entity_id: fan.myfan
  - service: fan.set_direction
      entity_id: fan.myfan
      direction: forward

It is possible though your fan brand does not offer some of the capabilities to integrations, or that the developer creating the integration did not implement it. But for that, brand and model is essential information. That is because it is specific to your model.