Far field satellite with an Elegant 3d printed enclosures

I’m also planning on transplanting a ESP32 S3 N16R8 onto the Korvo v1.1 if I can confirm that the pins map correctly.
£/$/€50 seems a bit pricy for the Korvo1 V5 but the Korvo V1.1 for £/$/€20 and replacing the module could be a sweet spot, at least before I can get a custom run of PCB’s without the additional bloat, spun up.

I’ve been in contact with Espressif, asking for the editables schematics, but they want me to sign a NDA… So I will just continue transposing the publicly available schematics, so I can freely release All the designs as open source.

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Sorry, forgot to paste: Printables

I can get the speaker mount to match, though out of curiosity do you have a link to the speaker you are using? A make/model, or at the least the size and wattage of the speaker?

I’ve yet to connect and test it (and I see others have problems to get audio to work), but I found that this model did fit physically:

@aherbjornsen Ive got a speaker on order from AliExpress, that got some good reviews
(No technical data sheets, but I don’t feel like paying for a reputable supplier while testing)

I expect I will eventually go for Viaston FRS 5 X units, once the project has its kinks ironed out and can play music

Fabric for covering the unit has been ordered too, this stuff in grey should look nice, and hopefully be photogenic (Black would look nicer IRL, but likely not photograph well)

I got access to the ESP32-Korvo V1.1 and ESP32-LyraTD-MSC Dev boards today, Now to look at getting the audio working (if the ESP32 Wrover is a fast enough chip for ESPHome)
Work will begin on getting the aesthetic enclosure closer to being released


This is so exciting! Like I commented over in Egg Voice Assistant, I’ve been dreaming of a smart speaker system with pretty much exactly the same criteria you outlined in your post—far field, LED ring display, can play music and sound good. I hadn’t considered a ceiling mount, though—what a neat bonus!

I’m definitely interested in this project and will be keeping my eyes on it. :eyes:

Thank you for your interest, I’m collaborating with a few other smart speaker creators over on the ESPHome and Willow Discord server, to get the schematic put together to meet those goals.
I’m aiming to the the first draft of the KiCAD schematics posted to GitHub later today, under the LibreTalk GitHub organization.

My apologies, as this seems to be focusing alot on enclosures and the like, without a ton of talk on the setuo. Am I correct in that this is mostly just a thought experiment?

I think my issue was that I have tried to attack this project from multiple directions at the same time.

I tested both the ESP32-Korvo-V1.1 and ESP32-LyraTD-MSC,
The Audio output on the Korvo V1.1 doesn’t seem to work regardless of all the setting I’ve tried (and a lot of others look to have the same issue with it)

The LyraTD-MSC worked well for Audio reproduction (TTS playback) and the microphones worked to pick up the wake work and STT. Not perfectly tuned, but better than a wall mounted tablet (looking at you Amazon Fire 7") however the light array is a bit of a PITA with it not being a neopixel

Then the icing on the top is neither board is using a ESP32 S3

So I have been focusing my time collaborating with other smart speaker designers, to design something that I believe will suit the needs of most end users. Which has resulted in me spending less time on the Enclosure or Yaml configs for the development boards (mostly this thread’s intent)

The schematic for the PCB we have been working on can be found at
GitHub - Libre-Talk/Wave: Smart Speaker satellite it’s an early draft without all the nets fully connected, and the PCB is being layed out

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So the setup with me appropriately using Sonos speakers as output media players “was” working for me — until I started hitting buffer errors.

At this point, I’m migrating to Raspberry Pis with ReSpeakers. IMO, ESP32-S3 devices don’t have enough memory to properly handle quality voice assistant work and was a terrible recommendation over satellite pis.

Hmm, sorry to hear that. Oddly I did get a ESP32 Wrover on the LyraTD_MSC working nicely as my first try with Assist (Audio pickup and playback) and that’s a lower spec chip than the S3.

I wonder if that’s an issue related to Bluetooth audio streaming?

If you’re looking to sell the Korvo-1’s, give me a DM

Actually, yes. There’s a warning all over the ESPHome documentation that says that bluetooth, audio, and voice assistant functions each “consume a significant amount of resources” which causes issues when used together. I would be willing to bet most boards available for sale are quite underpowered for the purpose. ESP32-S3s may have the issue compounded if you’re using microWakeWord as well, since the requirement for using that is at least 2Mb of PSRAM.

This guy details out some of the root issues I’m seeing. If everything works with the Pi I’ll definitely reach out.

But for clarity I’m using a network call to call my Sonos speakers through media player integrations in HA (see my linked config). No BL use at all.

No worries, I didn’t mean to seem dismissive. This looks amazing, I just have been hurt before by good design and not good software/hardware

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I get where you are coming from. For a project like this all 3 need to be worked on for a good device, Hardware, Software and the Enclosure.

I’m putting my hope into the work that has been done by the community on the software side as that has a lot of activity with the Espressif ADF at it’s core

Part of me is still worried that a ESP32 S3 isn’t powerful enough to stream music, while also being able to use a Wake word. I’m keeping an eye on how that is developing

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Some additional discussion over on the Rhasspy forums: Question: would anyone be interested in a open source DSP mic array? - #2 by synesthesiam - Hardware - Rhasspy Voice Assistant

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Any updates on the 3d printed enclosure for the Korvo v1.1? I found this one on thingiverse: ESP32 Korvo (Jarvis Voice Assistant) Puck Enclosure by CleverCasaChronicles - Thingiverse which is not bad looking and pretty basic to just get going with. Credit to CleverCasaChronicles for this: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/ehUY2GHL8XE Also, if anyone has been able to get the korvo to continually listen as well as stay running after boot that’d be great. Followed this install and it works, but its kinda unstable for some reason: Voice Assistant-Add support for the espressif esp32-korvo-v1.1 · Issue #2430 · esphome/feature-requests · GitHub

That’s the thread for the original korvo that has a vanilla ESP32 in it. It’s the around 20 dollar one on AliExpress. I actually just posted the below because it shouldn’t work at all without an S3 with PSRAM. The GPIO pins are different between the 2.models so I’m surprised it worked at all but explains the odd behavior… Also, there are a mix of korvov1.1 and korvo-1 posts that just make it a bit more confusing to navigate through.

the voice pipeline used should have no value in home assistant because it’s defined in the ESPHome configuration file. While I have been working on the Korvo-1, and I know this isn’t the thread for that one, I’m just curious is PSRAM is no longer required for microwakeword because everything I’ve read says it’s a requirement. Additionally the ESPHome documation says it’s still required although it may not have been updated.

The micro_wake_word component requires an ESP32-S3 with PSRAM to function

I do have the korvo-1 working with microwakeword but I’m having an “odd” issue that I want to get fixed because the firmware doesn’t show and ESPHome thinks the korvo-1 is offline and prompts me to install the “newly” found one. It works with zero issues which is just really odd. In ESPHome it shows up as red (offline) but if I click on logs they show up and I can see everything working, yet ESPHome still thinks it’s offline. Very odd. I will post the confirmation once I figure out what’s going on because you will more than likely end up with the same issue. I also used the below so if the GPIO pins don’t match what’s in that other thread then it’s not going to work. Look at the file with pins in the name.

here is the yaml, everything works without any issues. I tried looking into the firmware thing and it looks like it has to be added on the esphome side and there has been a feature request put in. If it will ever happen is another story though. I did get some warnings about the microphone and during the tensorflow.

Also, it was actually working with OpenWakeWord still until I looked into it. I realized after looking into the repository I am pointing to and if has an option to work with both. When looking more closely at the logs, it wasn’t, they are totally different (as far a cli output) when being triggered and processing a wake word. Remember to create a new pipline with no wake word defined. If you use your default, I believe it will use OpenWakeWord. Another fun thing is since I set the board to esp32-s3-devkit-1, it formatted the ROM at 4MB or either 8MB. It was saying 19344 bytes was to large for my flash of 18345 bytes, which I interpreted as 19MB and 18MB which is obviously WAY off. I probably spent a good 2 hours trying to figure this out when I noticed that when I got that message the PSRAM was more than double the size!!!. So all I had to do was add one simple line to specify flash size as 16MB. DOH. Oh well, it’s working, that is all that matters.

Remember to add the API key below and change wifi if not using the same secret format I am using also. For some reason, a few releases ago all the LED’s stopped working. I don’t know if if it’s just a weird LED thing or if only one mic is working. I was pretty much relying on that repo for a lot of stuff because he had the actual espressif files with the includes to the driver files and specific hardware firmware. Stuff like that. So, you could just specify the mic and one of the mic gpio’'s, but I doubt it will work out as well as this because it won’t be utilizing all the hardware. I honestly can’t say if all of it is working with this either. The 3.5mm output works fine, haven’t tried the speaker output and all my speakers are passive, I also don’t have a jst adapter that will fit it either.

Just remember, you may forever have a new entity wanting to be adopted after this, just leave it alone, even though it shows up as red it just works and outside someone adding the firmware to esphome, it will always be that way. What is really odd is there is a line in there that points to a github url that doesn’t exist for the firmware. If I comment it out, flashing fails, so it has to be in there, even though the the file doesn’t exist in the main esphome repository it’s pointed to :roll_eyes:

Lastly, it took over 600 seconds to compile, and I am running HA on a 7 year old intel Nuc with an I5 so if you are using a raspberry pi 4, it could take a while longer so make sure to just wait until it flashes or times out. Actually , if it’s your first time flashing it you will have to plug it into a PC or the HA server so you will see the CLI output. The tensorflow part takes quite some time. You have to hold the boot button when plugging the power cord in to put it into boot mode. The USB cable for for communication should already be plugged into your PC when doing this.

  name: "korvo"
  friendly_name: korvo

  name: ${name}
  friendly_name: ${friendly_name}
  name_add_mac_suffix: true
    board_build.flash_mode: dio
    upload_speed: 460800
    name: esphome.voice-assistant
    version: "1.0"
  min_version: 2023.11.5
    - priority: 600
        - light.turn_on:
            id: led_ring
            brightness: 70%
            effect: connecting

  board: esp32-s3-devkitc-1
  flash_size: 16MB
    type: esp-idf
      - name: esp32_s3_korvo1_board
        source: github://abmantis/esphome_custom_audio_boards@main
        refresh: 0s

  mode: octal
  speed: 80MHz

  - source: github://pr#5230
    components: esp_adf
    refresh: 0s

     key: you_api_key
      - if:
            switch.is_on: use_wake_word
            - delay: 1s
            - voice_assistant.start_continuous:
            - delay: 1s
            - voice_assistant.stop:
            - delay: 1500ms
            - voice_assistant.start_continuous:
            - script.execute: reset_led
      - light.turn_on:
          id: led_ring
          blue: 0%
          red: 100%
          green: 100%
          brightness: 50%
          effect: connecting

  package_import_url: github://esphome/firmware/voice-assistant/esp32-s3-korvo1.yaml@main

  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
  password: !secret wifi_password
  use_address: 192.168.0.xx
      - delay: 5s # Gives time for improv results to be transmitted
      - ble.disable:
      - ble.enable:


  authorizer: none

  - platform: factory_reset
    id: factory_reset_btn
    name: Factory reset

  board: esp32s3korvo1

  - platform: esp_adf
    id: korvo_mic

  - platform: esp_adf
    id: korvo_speaker
    # then:
    - voice_assistant.start:
        wake_word: !lambda return wake_word;
    - light.turn_on:
        id: led_ring      
        red: 30%
        green: 30%
        blue: 70%
        brightness: 60%
        effect: fast pulse 
  model: okay_nabu.

  id: voice_asst
  microphone: korvo_mic
  speaker: korvo_speaker
  noise_suppression_level: 2
  auto_gain: 31dBFS
  volume_multiplier: 2
  use_wake_word: true
    - light.turn_on:
        id: led_ring
        blue: 100%
        red: 0%
        green: 0%
        brightness: 100%
        effect: wakeword
    - light.turn_on:
        id: led_ring
        blue: 0%
        red: 0%
        green: 100%
        brightness: 50%
        effect: pulse
    - delay: 500ms
    - wait_until:
    - script.execute: reset_led
    - light.turn_on:
        id: led_ring
        blue: 0%
        red: 100%
        green: 0%
        brightness: 100%
        effect: none
    - delay: 1s
    - script.execute: reset_led
    - script.wait: reset_led
    - lambda: |-
        if (code == "wake-provider-missing" || code == "wake-engine-missing") {

  - id: reset_led
      - if:
            switch.is_on: use_wake_word
            - light.turn_on:
                id: led_ring
                blue: 100%
                red: 0%
                green: 0%
                brightness: 30%
                effect: none
            - light.turn_off: led_ring

  - platform: gpio
    id: pa_ctrl
    pin: GPIO38
    name: "${friendly_name} Speaker Mute"
    restore_mode: ALWAYS_ON

  - platform: template
    name: Use wake word
    id: use_wake_word
    optimistic: true
    restore_mode: RESTORE_DEFAULT_ON
    entity_category: config
      - lambda: id(voice_asst).set_use_wake_word(true);
      - if:
              - voice_assistant.is_running
            - voice_assistant.start_continuous
      - script.execute: reset_led
      - voice_assistant.stop
      - script.execute: reset_led

  - platform: esp32_rmt_led_strip
    id: led_ring
    name: "${friendly_name} Light"
    pin: GPIO19
    num_leds: 12
    rmt_channel: 0
    rgb_order: GRB
    chipset: ws2812
    default_transition_length: 0s
      - pulse:
          name: "Pulse"
          transition_length: 0.5s
          update_interval: 0.5s
      - addressable_twinkle:
          name: "Working"
          twinkle_probability: 5%
          progress_interval: 4ms
      - addressable_color_wipe:
          name: "Wakeword"
            - red: 0%
              green: 50%
              blue: 0%
              num_leds: 12
          add_led_interval: 20ms
          reverse: false
      - addressable_color_wipe:
          name: "Connecting"
            - red: 60%
              green: 60%
              blue: 60%
              num_leds: 12
            - red: 60%
              green: 60%
              blue: 0%
              num_leds: 12
          add_led_interval: 100ms
          reverse: true

  - platform: template
    name: "${friendly_name} Volume Up"
    id: btn_volume_up
  - platform: template
    name: "${friendly_name} Volume Down"
    id: btn_volume_down
  - platform: template
    name: "${friendly_name} Set"
    id: btn_set
  - platform: template
    name: "${friendly_name} Play"
    id: btn_play
  - platform: template
    name: "${friendly_name} Mode"
    id: btn_mode
      - timing:
          - ON for at least 10s
          - button.press: factory_reset_btn
  - platform: template
    name: "${friendly_name} Record"
    id: btn_record
      - voice_assistant.start:
      - light.turn_on:
          id: led_ring
          brightness: 100%
          effect: "Wakeword"
      - voice_assistant.stop:
      - light.turn_off:
          id: led_ring

  - id: button_adc
    platform: adc
    internal: true
    pin: 8
    attenuation: 11db
    update_interval: 15ms
      - median:
          window_size: 5
          send_every: 5
          send_first_at: 1
      - delta: 0.1
      - below: 0.55
          - binary_sensor.template.publish:
              id: btn_volume_up
              state: ON
      - above: 0.65
        below: 0.92
          - binary_sensor.template.publish:
              id: btn_volume_down
              state: ON
      - above: 1.02
        below: 1.33
          - binary_sensor.template.publish:
              id: btn_set
              state: ON
      - above: 1.43
        below: 1.77
          - binary_sensor.template.publish:
              id: btn_play
              state: ON
      - above: 1.87
        below: 2.15
          - binary_sensor.template.publish:
              id: btn_mode
              state: ON
      - above: 2.25
        below: 2.56
          - binary_sensor.template.publish:
              id: btn_record
              state: ON
      - above: 2.8
          - binary_sensor.template.publish:
              id: btn_volume_up
              state: OFF
          - binary_sensor.template.publish:
              id: btn_volume_down
              state: OFF
          - binary_sensor.template.publish:
              id: btn_set
              state: OFF
          - binary_sensor.template.publish:
              id: btn_play
              state: OFF
          - binary_sensor.template.publish:
              id: btn_mode
              state: OFF
          - binary_sensor.template.publish:
              id: btn_record
              state: OFF
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