Fast connect with multiple SSIDs?

Is there any way to use fast_connect with multiple SSIDs?

For example, I have mine set to first try and connect to the BSSID that I know will be best SNR (due to a long-ago maybe not applicable bug that went by lowest channel) and then if that fails connect to any of the same SSID.

I can’t figure out how to add fast_connect into the mix if its possible at all. Examples put the indent on the same level as the SSID but when I do that I get errors “[fast_connect] is an invalid option for [networks]. Please check the indentation.”.

Here is my current ESP32 WiFi block:

    - ssid: !secret ssid
      password: !secret password
      bssid: !secret bssid_upstairs-local
      priority: 2
    - ssid: !secret ssid
      password: !secret password
      priority: 1
  domain: !secret dns_suffix
    - ssid: !secret ssid
      password: !secret password
      bssid: !secret bssid_upstairs-local
      priority: 2
    - ssid: !secret ssid
      password: !secret password
      priority: 1
  domain: !secret dns_suffix
  fast_connect: on

This is how I read it should be used

Also fast_connect connects to first seen not best signal

fast_connect (Optional, boolean): If enabled, directly connects to WiFi network without doing a full scan first. This is required for hidden networks and can significantly improve connection times. Defaults to off. The downside is that this option connects to the first network the ESP sees, even if that network is very far away and better ones are available.

Well that at least got me a different error. RIP.

Fast connect can only be used with one network!.


Maybe ask in esphome github

Priority also is useless when fast connect enabled

Fast connect skips the “search for networks” and uses the network credentials saved in memory. At best it saves you one second.