FASTLED Matrix support

I found this project AWtrix which is a poormens “LaMetric”. It is very cool and consists of a server which “renders” the display data und an controller (ESP8266) which displays the data on a 8x32 matrix.

This is a germany video about AWtrix

When FASTLED with matrix support is incorporated in esphomelib one can get rid of the AWtrix-server and push the information directly from home-assistant to the display.

I would enjoy it!!


In the meantime AWTrix evolved a lot. Now it has got a cool mqtt-api which fits to home-assistant. So now you can use awtrix nicely from So this feature request has a quite low priority for me.

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Just started looking at the LED matrix I had lying here, and stumbled on your post, wow, that is very interesting. I’ve ordered his small board, can’t wait to get this up and running :slight_smile:

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