Feature request: exit_delay/entry_delay for ZHA Alarm Control Panel

Hey guys. Appreciate the work on ZHA. It’s a great addition to home assistant ecosystem!

Recently I got an Xfinity key pad(the same model as this famous reddit post). It worked well except one thing. Once the alarm is armed by entering the correct code, it lease you zero time to get out of the building. And also, the alarm is triggered immediately when the door sensor reports an open event.

I would like to see something similar to the Manual alarm control panel where you can define the transition time between each states. The DeConz integration already supports this feature.

Thanks in advance!

I use a Linkind peypad and I face the same issue. I can send entry_delay /exit_delay mode manually using zha.issue_zigbee_cluster_command
I would love to have this handled directly in the Panel;

`Hi Moustic999,

Are you able to share the used ID’s ?
I’m modifying the z2mqtt blueprint for these keypads for use with ZHA.
Got the basic functionality but would love to sync entry_delay/ exit_delay Arming zone etc.`

here it is :

exit_delay ( 10 seconds, see the 10 value)

service: zha.issue_zigbee_cluster_command
  ieee: 58:8e:81:ff:fe:23:3e:f1
  cluster_id: 1281
  command: 4
  command_type: client
  cluster_type: out
  args: [4, 10, 1, 0]
  endpoint_id: 1

entry_delay (10 seconds too)

service: zha.issue_zigbee_cluster_command
  ieee: 58:8e:81:ff:fe:23:3e:f1
  cluster_id: 1281
  command: 4
  command_type: client
  cluster_type: out
  args: [5, 10, 1, 0]
  endpoint_id: 1

these are standards value defined in zigbee protocol. Linkind keypad uses them.

these commands works fine when sent from dev tool. don’t forget to set up your own ieee id.

I’m very interested if you succeed. I think it does not work because zha directly answer to arm/disarm request as per requested in protocol.

PS : keypad must not be sleeping when you send the command ( obvious :wink: )

Is there any progress on that issue? I’m in the same place right now with the exit delay / entry delay. thanks