Feature request: Ring Intecom intergration

Brief description of the device or service.
The Ring intercom does not expose itself to Home Assistant when using the Ring intergration

Link to the provider or manufacturer’s product or service page.

Link to the service or device’s API, along with information as to whether it is public or requires an account or key.
Not sure if this is needed as HA already has a Ring intergration

Any other relevant information including examples or GitHub repositories related to the device or service.

It’s a bit of a workaround, but despite promising my partner not to make our new place smart I ended up buying one of these, and naturally wanted to enhance the functionality with HA.

Homebridge now supports the Ring Intercom, with the ability to detect rings, and unlock the door. You shouldn’t need an iOS device to configure it, just use the Homebridge Controller. If you do also want to use it with Homekit, you’ll need to “re-expose” the entities via HA’s native Homekit bridge.

I’ve paired HA to my Homebridge instance which is using the Ring Homebridge plugin, and it’s working great, with the ability to unlock the front door from Home Assistant as well as sound an additional doorbell sounder when the intercom buzzes (I sometimes get confused with my neigbour’s one going off)


More information about the current workaround for the integration in HomeAssistant can be found here:

It’s a pity that there is no reaction if it should be added directly to the integration in the future.

But it works really great.


Thank you @a5hs and @fritz_hh I’ve got this working now on a PiZeroW and I’ve got the intercom into HA - at least we have a workaround for now to get the data in.

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any news about Ring Intercom? Does it integrate well with Home Assistant?
I Have a BTicino EOS Intercom and it seems it is compatible with the device… it should be VERY useful to have that integrated into Home Assistant using the Ring: other ways of integration are way too “delicate” and complex since BTicino itself is pretty “closed”…

many thanks in advance for any info, bye!


Can you explain how you done? Which firmware you installed on raspberry?

I also hope there will be an official integration, I just bought one, in Europe ring intercom is a huge market as most of us live in apartments buildings


It seems that someone create a working plugin for Ring Intercom and send it to HA core though Pull Request. We need to wait that the pull request being approved and new version of HA released. Add support for Ring Intercom by MartinPham · Pull Request #91600 · home-assistant/core · GitHub

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Hello, It would be great! we can’t wait for that final PR approval…


Hi, do you have a working manual on how to add Ring Intercom into Home Assistant? Thanks

some news?

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Not yet, still only use the app :frowning: very sad about this

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Still nothing? Planing to buy it, would you recommend it?

Bought it through the prime deals so also very curious about any update. Thanks!!

Just found out there is an option to integrate via MQTT and its working fo me GitHub - tsightler/ring-mqtt-ha-addon: Home Assistant addon to integrate Ring alarm and camera devices via MQTT


Just follow the instructions for the inoffical version described here: Add support for Ring Intercom by MartinPham · Pull Request #91600 · home-assistant/core · GitHub

Works fine and finally I’ve a widget on my homescreen.

Thanks. It’s the solution for me

you also have two-way audio flow in HA?

Nope , there is no audio, at least I didn’t find out

Hello, is there an other device / way to do this with home assistant and have 2 way audio ?