I’m using HA for 1 month now and I love this platform for the configurability (and Cast features ) because I work in IT, and it’s required for use it. But I think you could add users with the differents news features :
Like you did with the automation, you should add a user friendly assistant to create the sensors, without modify the configuration files. The integration works fine with some sensor, but not main.
Work with the data isn’t really easy, for example, it’s very tough to make a mean of sensor on the specify duration, or get the record from the day before or other information to get some interesting information. Why not to use a other database system to improv the performance and stability ?
To finish, I think, you should add more some application (like configurator, InfluxDB or Grafana) into Home Assistant (without install and configuration add-on), because it just the base of the automation system.
I’m not here just the critics, but just to improve your great system, and avoid to lost the users in the configuration to get the good informations or actions.
Why that’s a bit harsh ? I know the work who a lot of people do on this platform and thank them a lot for that. It’s just my opinion from the beginner HA user who used other automation platform. I just want to help to improve HA for more users.
(Maybe I’m not use the good words in english, it’s not my native language )
OK I’ll be more constructive, but negatively worded feature requests get my goat
Home Assistant is working towards that, but not every developer of every intergration has achieved that level of integration. You could help, or even just say which integrations you think are urgent to complete.
Perhaps you haven’t seen the statistics sensor
But not everyone wants them. Why should my home assistant setup be burdened by stuff I don’t want? Why should yours be burdened by stuff I want? Perhaps you should read about the unix philosophy. Modularisation is the key. Also why would you fork InfluxDB or Grafana when they are easily available?
About your first item, I’m unfortunately not developer ( even if I train on python to help you ), but I think the sensor template is the first item because is the sensor which most use ( I think).
I saw and read all options I could do it with the statistics sensor, but for few sensor I need to start my average, max, min since the start of day and not for 24 before. In more, I would like to get the record from 24 hours before. Maybe I could do that on InfluxDB…
You’re right about the last item and I agree with you.
Not helpful. At all. If you want to encourage this project to be adopted outside of the type of technical users that build and design it, I suggest you stop treating commenters and posters in this way. It is very alienating and it’s completely unhelpful and unnecessary.