FEIT Smart Bulb - Setup

Bought Costco FEIT bulbs and got them on homeassistant. Here are the steps that I followed…

Before starting, please do not connect the bulbs to Tuya or any other app.

  1. Connect Raspberry to a wired Internet
  2. Install RaspianLite steps here - do not forget to enable ssh
  3. Follow the steps from this site to flash tasmota
  4. Update Sonoff once flashing is completed
  5. Connect to sonoff using your browser

Copy this template into Configure-> Other->Template and select Activate
{“NAME”:" BPA800/RGBW",“GPIO”:[255,255,255,255,37,38,255,255,141,142,140,255,255],“FLAG”:0,“BASE”:48}

Open console and type these two commands
LedTable 0
Setoption19 1
Update Config MQTT Full Topic to %topic%/%prefix%/
Restart Home Assistant and you can find your bulb in Configuration->Integrations->MQTT

Thanks for the info; this helped me setup my lights to work great with HA!

One question: My lights turn off at a dimmer level of ~6% ( brightness 16 on a 255 scale), is there a way to set the lowest dimming level to 16 so HA doesn’t try to dim below that level?
