Fetching Plex library info via Rest

I’m trying to monitor my Plex server with some rest sensors. I created a new sensor which connects but I get the attributes back prefixed with @ and can’t seem to get the one value I want into the state attribute. Can anyone advise where I am going wrong/what to try?

- platform: rest

  name: Plex Unmatched Episodes



    User-Agent: Home Assistant

    Content-Type: 'application/json; charset=utf-8'


    X-Plex-Token: !secret plex_token

  scan_interval: 600

  json_attributes_path: '$.MediaContainer.Directory'


    - "@childCount"

    - "@title"

    - "@updatedAt"

  value_template: '{{ value_json["MediaContainer"]["Metadata"][0]["childCount"] }}'

The JSON response is like this:

  "MediaContainer": {
    "size": 1,
    "allowSync": true,
    "identifier": "com.plexapp.plugins.library",
    "librarySectionID": 1,
    "librarySectionTitle": "TV Shows",
    "librarySectionUUID": "a7c63d78-7147-4232-9493-fb02a6a12b4a",
    "mediaTagPrefix": "/system/bundle/media/flags/",
    "mediaTagVersion": 1679942722,
    "Metadata": [
        "ratingKey": "14152",
        "key": "/library/collections/14152/children",
        "guid": "collection://b5cb1bf2-78b1-4d41-aebc-f82e6563a15c",
        "type": "collection",
        "title": "TV Unmatched Episodes",
        "librarySectionTitle": "TV Shows",
        "librarySectionID": 1,
        "librarySectionKey": "/library/sections/1",
        "subtype": "episode",
        "summary": "",
        "index": 74443,
        "content": "server://1ac33273264ae8842db17ca1ee54819/com.plexapp.plugins.library/library/sections/1/all?type=4&episode.unmatched=1",
        "ratingCount": 104,
        "thumb": "/library/collections/14152/composite/160433556?width=400&height=600",
        "addedAt": 1668439156,
        "updatedAt": 1680433556,
        "childCount": "0",
        "smart": "1"

Aren’t you reinventing the wheel?

No, already have that set up but you don’t get access to the Library collections, only top line stats about a library. I’m looking to monitor for when files have not added to Plex and need manual intervention.

Solved. Plex needs accept rather than content type to fetch as Json.