fEVR - frigate Event Video Recorder v0.6 Release Candidate | Rewritten in Flask

fEVR - frigate Event Video Recorder v0.6 Release Candidate


Have you ever tried to share frigate with your non technical family members like parents, grandparents, or other non-tech types?

It’s a struggle! fEVR helps gives access to Event Object Detection in an easier front-end to Frigate.



  • All new Web UI
  • All new Setup via the Web UI that walks you through setting up fEVR!
  • MQTT Client can be run in seperate container on any remote host using Auth Tokens
    • This takes a bit extra configuration, but very doable. Next version will expand on this.
  • New database backend for configuration
  • docker-compose templates with and without tailscale
  • unRAID Template

Plans for the future:

  • Expand Auth Tokens
    • Limited Used Expiring Auth Tokens
    • One Time Links
    • Share an event with family or the police without giving full access to the system!!!
  • Auto discovery of network camera feeds (RTSP/ONVIF)
  • Frigate config.yml generator

Any questions comments please feel free to ask.



fEVR v0.6 RC Branch

BeardedTek-com/fEVR Issues

v0.6 Release Candidate Discussion

BeardedTek.com Organization

Is there a way to get hassio add-on ?

That is definitely in the works!!!

Give me a week or so as my son’s birthday and daughter’s science fair are coming up this week. Busy times!!!

I had to build an incubator for her using a sonoff mini relay attached to a 60W light bulb, and an esp8266 with a dht11 logging to mqtt on esphome and control it with a generic thermostat on Home Assistant the NIGHT BEFORE SHE NEEDED IT lol.

Contrats. Yeah diy father like me I definitely understand your need of time …tested the add-on as mentioned but I guess you have issue with proxy server somehow .o will test rc6 temporary and wait the add-on if it pleases me . Bit I’m really excited already