Few questions on Tapo P110M smart plug

I got 2 Tapo p110m devices.

1). Did anyone here manage to find a way to update the firmware on these without moving them back to Tapo app? I do not want to hop around between HA to their software for every single firmware update.

2). Can Matter server pull firmware updates for these?

3). Me being a paranoid, I put both of them behind firewall and am seeing logs of them trying to initiate connection to Amazon Datacenter in Singapore. I thought the Matter devices were supposed to be local?

4). Would i need to allow them to access that server for them to able to pull firmware updates through Matter server?

Not familiar with their matter protocol but you can flash with tasmota and ditch the tapo cloud/app entirely

Looks like it’s using esp32c2 from this teardown

Thank you for suggestion. I will keep an eye on tasmota.
One small problem is that I am not that keen on opening it up and potentially ruining it.(My fingers, they ain’t so nimble).
But if there is no other way I will try it out.