Feyree WIFI smart EV charger

I would like to buy a EV charger and I found one on AliExpress. It is from brand called Feyree and it says it has wifi app. Does anyone know if it is possible to connect it to HA? If yes, how?

I have this one https://fr.aliexpress.com/item/1005005504929776.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.5.23205e5bVzPDi2&gatewayAdapt=glo2fra and Home Assistant (via SmartLife) cannot currently find entities…

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Thank you for letting me know.

I have the updated version, it works perfectly in Tuya Smart, it’s detected in Home Assistant Tuya Cloud, but the device is then shown as « unsuported » :disappointed:.

Oh, ok thank you

There has been development for the Feyree Tuya local api last year:

but it is unclear whether it has been completed or not.

I’m about to buy a Feyree too and hope it will work within the local Tuya api soon. Anyone already using Feyree with the local Tuya for HA?

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I can confirm, make-all/tuya-local supports Feyree charger and you get all the sensors and control available.
HA native tuya integration does not work. You get devices but no entities. Maybe you can jump through some hoops to make it work but to be honest make-all version is as simple to configure as native integration but you get what you would expect.


Has anyone explored what can be controlled remotely via home assistant on the feyree charger?

I’m hoping to integrate with my solar to increase or reduce charge rate to use excess solar.

I suspect the portable feyree cannot adjust charge rate on the fly, not sure about the wall Mount.


I bought a Feyree Fey123 and after installing Tuya local and adding this charger, I can see the sensors :

But I can send orders to the charger (start / stop charging, change charge current).

I tried to set up a duration first then send Charge command but nothing append and Duration slider return to 0 and action return to Waiting for command.

Just to be sure, my phone is the only one with Tuy smart app installed so I put it in Plane mode to be sure that Tuya app was not interfering with HA.

@mhalak how did you start / stop charge or change current ?


Sorry for delayed response. I use these controls you have listed.

“Toggle charging” always return to “Waiting…” after selecting action you want.

Personaly I didn’t play with delay and duration options. I have my own solution implemented in AppDaemon which handles scheduling so I can set it up to start charging during cheaper tariff if some other conditions are met as well. Also, I control current so I can “boost charging” when usual power hungry activities are done. I was always interested in the basic controls as I knew I would do more complex automations my way.

Duration and delay options are bad way to control charging as you have to set them case by case and highly depends on when you plug your car. Feyree could work on this to enable some proper schaduling but thats why we have homeassistant I guess :slight_smile: