Ffmpeg camera with -header argument

Hi there, newbie here.

So I have an Annke 4CH NVR (N44WBF0) and after a lot of searching I managed to get a live stream from the NVR and played it successfully via ffplay:

.\ffplay -headers "Authorization: Basic [base64user:pass]=" -i "http://[nvr_address]/livestream/21?action=play&media=video_audio_data/track=video"

This plays successfully via ffplay and was also able to stream it from ffmpeg to VLC. The problem I have is when adding it to Home Assistant.This is what I have:


  - platform: ffmpeg

    input: "-headers 'Authorization: Basic [base64user:pass]=' -i 'http://[nvr_address]/livestream/21?action=play&media=video_audio_data/track=video'"

    name: "Test"

And this is the result (log output):
av.error.FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: "'http://[nvr_address]/livestream/21?action=play&media=video_audio_data/track=video'"

If I try without the -header argument, I obviously get the 401 Not authorized error.
Server returned 401 Unauthorized (authorization failed): 'http://[nvr_address]/livestream/21?action=play&media=video_audio_data/track=video'

So the question is, how can I pass the -header Authorization argument to be able to authenticate and then get the stream going?


Looks like they have different formats for accessing channels on different systems. Not sure which applies to yours (or if yours is an even different format):

Might find other examples on their site, or googling the internet in general.

Have you find a solution on how to pass the -headers?

Thanks a lot

Unfortunately no :frowning:

Thanks for your reply Brandon