I run the ffmpeg integration in the home assistant docker container to detect noise. Within the past few days it suddenly no longer works. The entity becomes unavailable after 1 minute and I’ve only seen this error:
s6-rc: info: service legacy-services: stopping
WARNING (MainThread) [haffmpeg.core] FFmpeg isn't running!
However, I believe this is unrelated and since I only see this when the container is restarting. No other logs appear to reference ffmpeg.
- platform: ffmpeg_noise
name: camera_noise
input: !secret rtsp_camera
extra_arguments: -nostats -filter:a highpass=f=500,lowpass=f=2500,volume=volume=0.5 -codec:a libmp3lame -ar 16000
initial_state: true
duration: 2
reset: 30
peak: -40
Has anyone else experienced issues with ffmpeg recently? Although I’ve tried container tags from the past few stable releases and they also don’t work. Not sure what could have changed in my environment.