FGRM-222 seen by ZWave JS as a switch, and not cover shutter!

2 of my 3 FGRM-222 module are seen as switches. So There is no “up / stop / down” buttons.
I must precise that they were seen as roller shutter since years but they suddenly change to switches after I re-interview them. (Of course, I don’t re-interview the 3rd)
Interview or Exclusion/inclusion doesn’t change anything

Any ideas ?

You can change what a device is shown as. Go to the integrations page > click on z-wave logo > click on devices > click on your device > click on the light entity > click the gear icon.

This solution doesn’t work : it creates up and down buttons (but no stop button)
And both buttons are without any effect (unknown error when clicked).
This solution is linked to HomeAssistant, but I think the problem is linked to ZWave.

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