Fibaro button automation

I was looking for a simple way to use a single push of the Fibaro Button to toggle a light. A lot of examples I found were very flexible in the use of the button but complicated. After adding the button normally as a ZWave device, this simple automation worked so I thought I would share.

(FYI: if you need to find the device id: Settings, Devices, select the button device - the device ID is the last part of the resultant URL.).

If you leave the value_raw line out it will fire anytime the button is pushed. Adding this line allows you to fire only for a certain number of pushes/holds. The values are not consistent but you can find them via the Developer tools and events. Listen to the zwave_js_value_notification and then press/hold the appropriate button the desired number of times.

alias: Fibaro "The Button" toggle
description: Toggle light with button push
  - platform: event
    event_type: zwave_js_value_notification
      device_id: xxxx
      property_key: "001"
      # optional line to detect numbers of presses (0=1 press) and holds
      value_raw: 0 
condition: []
  - type: toggle
    device_id: yyyy
    entity_id: zzzz
    domain: switch
mode: single

or an alternative trigger you can toggle with:

  - platform: event
    event_type: zwave_js_value_notification
      device_id: xxxx
      label: Scene 001
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