Fibaro dimmer 2 (FGD212) reporting status change in zwave-JS but not in Home Assistant

Hi all

Config: HAOS, core 2022.6.0, running on Intel NUC, Z-Wave JS to MQTT 0.42.0, Aeotec Z-stick gen 5

Issue: I have several Fibaro Dimmer 2 (FGD212) z-wave dimmers, and none of them report status changes to the entity in Home Assistant when the switch is used manually. The status (and the connected light) both work fine when turned on/off in Home Assistant.

Bizarrely, in the z-wave log, the state change is reported flawlessly when using the switch manually.

Also bizarrely, I use the second input (S2) on one of the FGD212s to trigger a separate z-wave device via associations, and this status change is updated in the frontend (though I presume from the other device?)

I can’t see any issues with the node groups/associations (lifeline is there). Anyone else encountered this? Any suggestions on how to fix it? I’m on the verge of writing an automation to manually switch the light entity on/off based on the z-wave event of it actually being turned on/off from the switch, just so the frontend updates, which seems ridiculous :smiley:

Although it doesn’t directly help you, I use several of these dimmers AND one of them I also use the second input to trigger another light (though via an automation not association). I don’t have any issues with states not updating? Only difference is I am using a Philio Z-Wave stick (in past life on HomeSeer I found the Aeotec and ZWave.ME problematic).