I am new to this, and am usually pretty good on the Google to work out how to fix things, but in this case, i am stuck.
I have setup a Hassbian server on a rPi3 which works well. I have added a Fibaro FGK Door and window Sensor with a DS18B20 probe as a pool temperature monitor. My HA dashboard reports back the pool temp as a two digit number + one decimal place, ie 27.3 (in deg C), so this also works well.
My issue is that the value reported back to my HA dashboard does not update when the probe is in the pool. When i remove the probe from the pool, within a couple of mins, the value on the HA dashboard updates, When i bring the probe (and FGK) inside an air conditioned house, the value updates again. It seems as though updates will only be passed to the HA server when there is a substantial change in the temp.
Can anyone let me know how i can configure the FGK to update either on a regular (time) basis, or update based in smaller temp change.
You should be able to configure the FGK through the Z-wave control panel, the update sensitivity is controlled with parameter 12. The default setting is 0.5 degC, isn’t that quick enough?
@bonterra Thanks for your help. Can i please ask a noob question. Is the Zwave control panel in HA, the tool which i can access by going into Configuration > Z-Wave and then selecting the node in the Z-Wave Node Management section? If so, for some reason my Z-Wave devices do not appear in the list when i click the dropdown? is these something i need to do in order to see them in the list?
Yes, you should be able to see your sensor there. I installed HASS before they included the Z-wave Control panel (I had to install Open Z-wave separately) but I don’t think you should have to do anything more to have your devices show in the dropdown.
Thanks all for your assistance… this is now resolved.
For all interested in the solution, there were two issues here…
1- I had alot of items ‘hidden’ in home assistant, the FGK one of those… first thing to do, is make sure the device is not hidden… this will ensure it appears in the confuguration list…
2 - Once it is visible in the config list, update the value you want, [in this case #12 (i updated to 0 which sends updates every time the temp changes… this will depleate the batter quiker, but i am fine with that)], and click the tmp button to wake the battery powered device, WHILE also clicking to apply the changes on teh web page… if this doesnt work for you, keep trying, it will eventually.
HA behaviour is also so that the sensor value does not seem to update if new value is the same as old. HA will show when the value was changed. If your pool (or whatever) temperature is too steady one could quicly interperate that HA does not update it.
Had some trouble with the docker containing deconz would not start. So i reinstalled everything; but I had to exlude the Fibaro Universal Sensor node (because apprently the Aotec Z-Stick contained some information). Then it worked. Thanks.