Hello everyone. I am having trouble (understanding) making the FIBARO System FGBS001 Universal Binary Sensor with the DS18B20 temperature probe to work (correctly) with Home Assistant.
I have (recently ventured into the world of home automation and currently a bit lost) installed Home Assistant on a Raspberry Pi with this guide: htt ps:/ /ww w.home-assistant#io/docs/installation/raspberry-pi/
I am currently on version 0.69.1
I am currently able to control my Philips Hue lights with a ConBee USB dongle from Dresden-Elektronik with the help from these guides: ht tps:/ /ww w.home-assistant#io/components/deconz/ and https://hub.docker.com/r/marthoc/deconz/
I have it hooked up to my Apple TV, so I can turn on / turn off the lights from my iPhone with Apple Home screen, with this guide: htt ps:/ /ww w.home-assistant#io/components/homekit/
So my installation is rock solid, it is working as intended, etc,. (and almost out of the box) with an exception; the temperature sensor via the FIBARO Universal Sensor, via the Aeon Lab Z-stick gen5 USB dongle. If I have understood it correctly, the temperature sensor is not “activated”? (??)
I have followed these images for connecting the wires;
htt ps:/ /ww w.vesternet#com/knowledgebase/technical/kb-87/
Why does it only show zero temperature?
Is this even the ds18b20 temperature probe? Have I wired it wrong, and thats why it is not giving any values?
So, yeah, someone here who could help me? Are there essential things I have forgotten to include in this post? configuration files, etc.? Just let me know, and I will get them for you.
PS: Unable to post more than 1 image due to I am a new user, so I will see if I can comment on this post with more information.