FIBARO Universal Sensor with DS18B20 temperature probe

Hello everyone. I am having trouble (understanding) making the FIBARO System FGBS001 Universal Binary Sensor with the DS18B20 temperature probe to work (correctly) with Home Assistant.

I have (recently ventured into the world of home automation and currently a bit lost) installed Home Assistant on a Raspberry Pi with this guide: htt ps:/ /ww w.home-assistant#io/docs/installation/raspberry-pi/

I am currently on version 0.69.1

I am currently able to control my Philips Hue lights with a ConBee USB dongle from Dresden-Elektronik with the help from these guides: ht tps:/ /ww w.home-assistant#io/components/deconz/ and

I have it hooked up to my Apple TV, so I can turn on / turn off the lights from my iPhone with Apple Home screen, with this guide: htt ps:/ /ww w.home-assistant#io/components/homekit/

So my installation is rock solid, it is working as intended, etc,. (and almost out of the box) with an exception; the temperature sensor via the FIBARO Universal Sensor, via the Aeon Lab Z-stick gen5 USB dongle. If I have understood it correctly, the temperature sensor is not “activated”? (??)


I have followed these images for connecting the wires;

htt ps:/ /ww w.vesternet#com/knowledgebase/technical/kb-87/

Why does it only show zero temperature?

Is this even the ds18b20 temperature probe? Have I wired it wrong, and thats why it is not giving any values?

So, yeah, someone here who could help me? Are there essential things I have forgotten to include in this post? configuration files, etc.? Just let me know, and I will get them for you.

PS: Unable to post more than 1 image due to I am a new user, so I will see if I can comment on this post with more information.


For anyone interested; I got it to work. My deConz would for some reason not start, so I decided to reinstall everything.

When i started home assistant, both the Aeotec Z-Stick USB node and the FIBARO universal node was showing.

But the temperature was still zero.

What I had to do, was to exclude and include the FIBARO node. I went to Configuration, Z-Wave, selected the Node under Z-Wave Node Management and pressed Remove Node. The temperature sensor did not work, due to when I first powered the FIBARO, it was without the temperature sensors attached.

This post helped me on the way; Fibaro Door and Window sensor + DS18B20 as a pool temp monitor - HELP!

And as a matter of fact, it also says so in the FIBARO Universal sensor manual; you have to exclude and reinclude whenever you attach a sensor.

So I guess, rtfm.


I did manage to buy a Fibaro FGK-101 Zw5 Door / Window sensor and connected a DS18B20 temperature probe.

How can I get the temperature to be displayed and tracked? It does not show up in the entity list. I tried expluding/including the device, even a reset of the door sensor.

The temperature probe seems transmitting the data, it just doesn’t get displayed/tracked.

When I dump the nodes data I can see:

        "id": "7-49-2-Air temperature",
        "nodeId": 7,
        "commandClass": 49,
        "commandClassName": "Multilevel Sensor",
        "endpoint": 2,
        "property": "Air temperature",
        "propertyName": "Air temperature",
        "type": "number",
        "readable": true,
        "writeable": false,
        "label": "Air temperature",
        "ccSpecific": {
          "sensorType": 1,
          "scale": 0
        "stateless": false,
        "unit": "°C",
        "list": false,
        "value": 31.25,
        "lastUpdate": 1631284388795,
        "newValue": 31.25

I can also see the temperature in Z-Wave JS → Fibargroup (node name) → Multilevel Sensor (7-49-2-Air temperature] Air temperature).

Why would HA not pick this up and display in the dashboard. I would like to track the temperature changes as well.

I am using the latest version of HA.
Any advice would be appreciated.

I managed to get the temperature data into HA this way:

  - platform: mqtt
    name: "Pool Temperature"
    state_topic: "zwave/nodeID_7/49/2/Air_temperature"
    device_class: "temperature"
    qos: 0
    unit_of_measurement: "°C"
    value_template: "{{ value_json.value }}"

Your nodeID very likely will be different.

First I made sure my mosquitto mqtt broker is up and running and then I inspected the messages.