Fibaro Double Switch (FGS-223) not sending scenes reliably on double/tripple button press

Not sure why but double/tripple pressing my Fibaro Double Switch doesn’t send the scene status reliably. I’ve activated both parameters 28 and 29, and tried setting parameter 20 to either momentary or toggle (pulse switch).

The problem presents in several ways:
sometimes the scene status is sent for only one of the 2 buttons and I can see it in Logbook, e.g. Button 1 (scene 001) seems to work more reliably than scene 002. Sometimes sending any kind of scene just stops working at all even though it first worked in previous tests

I’m honestly stumped and can’t even begin to start figuring out where the problem itself might be

Hi. Sorry to resurect this almost a year later.
I also have Fibaro switches and Dimmers and am using momentary 2 way (S1+S2) wall switches to trigger the Fibaro modules. I see similar Parameters listed in HA, but I do’nt see any indication of how HA sees the related events - e.g. manual switch S1 or S2 pressed and 1 or 2 or 3 presses.

Did you solve this, and if so would you be happy to share how?

You can detect the scene by doing something like this:

    - platform: event
      event_type: zwave_js_value_notification
        node_id: 13 # light.bedroom_ceiling_switch
        value: 26 # single-click, right

You can find the value by going to the Developer tools and events and choosing to listen to the zwave_js_value_notification then pressing the appropriate button.


Hi David. Sorry for my belated acknowledgement - I only just spotted your reply, for which Thank You.
I’ll give that a try.
it appears the Fibaro dimmers/switches are not well supported in HA for their “scene” activities. And Fibaro don’t help by making the ‘switch pressed’ interpretation parameter settings dependent. Ought to be a neat way around that, but I’ll get the basics working first…
Thanks again.

Good luck! (BTW – if you have the dimmer version, be aware that the double-click option doesn’t work if you have it set to go to 100% on double-click. I got bitten by that a few times.)


Hi again David.
Thanks for the warning - I have n’t tried the double click side out yet.
Have now got the event detection for the wall switch On/Off events for the dimmer working ok using your suggestion of the zwave_js_value_notification event.

  • Ian