Fibaro FGD-212 issues with HA - not recognised correctly

I’ve recently purchased 2 of the Fibaro FGD-212 z-wave dimmers, and I’ve been having trouble using both of them in HA.

At first, one didn’t include correctly, and was not working at all, but was marked as included.
Both units were inoperable from HA, I was unable to switch anything on/off or dim, but I could list some functions from one of the units. The switches had an odd color to the switch, and whenever I attempted to interact with them, the entire zwave network would seem to freeze.
In the end I excluded them both, reset the units and re-included both.

Since re-including them both, I can see them added as zwave.fibaro_system_fgd212_dimmer_2 entities and which show that they were discovered etc, however, the light.fibaro_system_fgd212_dimmer_2_level are missing, and I cannot seem to find any switches to interact with them. I’ve tried “refreshing” the nodes, and seeing if they can figure themselves out.

I also compared the entries in my zwcfg_xxxxxxxxxxxx.xml file, and they are different.

Does anyone know how I can fix this?

I’m using latest release.

Also, I saw that some people have had success getting devices to work by copying the config direct from the OpenZwave GitHub. I found my entry here but am I able to copy the <CommandClass> section directly out into my own zwcfg_xxxxxxxxxxxx.xml file? Would this work?

Okay so first thing is when including a new node into your z-wave network it is really important that you either bring the node to the controller or the controller to the node as during the inclusion process the node speaks to the controller to inform it of it’s capabilities. If they are far apart during this process then sometimes the inclusion process doesn’t complete and results in a node either not working at all, or a node that doesn’t do everything it’s supposed to.

This would explain why you’re experiencing the issues you are. To try and resolve I would do the following:

  1. Stop HA. You can do this by running sudo systemctl stop home-assistant
  2. Fire open the Open Z-wave control panel by running the following cd /srv/homeassistant/src/open-zwave-control-panel then sudo ./ozwcp -p 8888 you should then be able to browse to it by going to http://localhost:8888
  3. Then initiate the open zwave control panel by entering the path to your zwave controller in device name and then hit initialize
  4. Select your fibaro dimmer device, then from the controller dropdown select refresh node info and then wake your fibaro dimmer by pressing the button on the physical device. This should then complete the interview process
  5. Click save under backup controller then click close
  6. Start HA sudo systemctl start home-assistant
  7. Sometimes it can take a couple of refreshes for your config file to update. If so, just restart HA sudo systemctl restart home-assistant

If that fails then you can copy the manufacturer and product names and ids into your config file where you see the correct node id for the fibaro dimmer. Which you can find here:

I hope this helps. Not sure if the same instructions work with as I have no experience of it.

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Hi, and thanks for responding.

I don’t think that is the process for using, because I know the process you describe from using my previous installation, before I migrated to

The installation does have an integrated Zwave control panel though:

I’ve tried using the REFRESH NODE button from this interface a few times now, and I’m not sure its working. I haven’t seen anything change, despite reboots.

Any advice?

I don’t typically find the integrated z-wave management all that reliable.

When you hit ‘Refresh Node’ you need to wake you the node by pressing the button on the physical device. Do that and then wait a couple of mins and restart HA.

If that fails you could try excluding the devices and including them again using that interface but hold the controller and the device close to each other when you hit ‘add node’ as I mentioned. Then restart HA. See if that helps.

Unfortunately, I’ve now done this 5 times over the last few days and I can see from the logs that it is refreshed.

However, I still cannot manipulate the switches from HA, and any attempt to do so locks up my zwave network for ~5 minutes.

I need to know how I can use the config manually.

Can anyone describe how I can manually configure it using the Github repo.

Do I just copy the details from the manufacturer_specific.xml and fgd212.xml files into my zwcfg_xxx.xml file? When I tried that it did nothing useful.