December 17, 2022, 2:41pm
Hello all,
i have a lot of this device, FGK101 door/window sensor (Fibaro).
all these devices work correctly in my zwave network.
Now i tried to install on one of them the Temperature Sensor DS18B20 on top of it, like on this post:
Hello everyone. I am having trouble (understanding) making the FIBARO System FGBS001 Universal Binary Sensor with the DS18B20 temperature probe to work (correctly) with Home Assistant.
I have (recently ventured into the world of home automation and currently a bit lost) installed Home Assistant on a Raspberry Pi with this guide: htt ps:/ /ww w.home-assistant#io/docs/installation/raspberry-pi/
I am currently on version 0.69.1
I am currently able to control my Philips Hue lights with a ConBee U…
but unfortunately i cannot see temperature even if i woke up the device…
What is missing… have i to exclude and include the device again? … i hope no…
Do i have to do something other in order to see the temperature?
thanks a lot in advance
(Simon Wilson)
December 17, 2022, 2:48pm
Using Z-Wave JS? if so then Yes. Unfortunately you have to exclude and include the device again.
December 17, 2022, 3:09pm
yes… i’m using Z-Wave JS UI… ok I’ll try with one of them
Agree - the last time I did this was with openHAB, but the Fibaro device did not acknowledge the DS18x20 until it had been factory reset and included again into the Z-Wave network.
Unfortunately, even after playing with the broadcast intervals in Z-Wave settings, the battery life of the sensor was terrible (CR123A aren’t cheap) so it seemed cheaper to remove with 1-Wire device, and use a separate temp sensor (Zigbee CR2032 are a lot cheaper to replace).
December 18, 2022, 9:57am
yes I see… i think i’ll proceed in this way as well