Fibaro FGS-213 Single Switch receiving data but not able to switch

Hi all,

I have been using HA for some months and is great, all is very easy and I could configure all my fibaro devices without any problems until now.

I have one fibaro FGS-213 Single switch installed in one switch to turn on and off garden lights. I tried first fibaro dimmer 2 but I probably had some electric issues and the lights did not turn on and off.

With the FGS-213 installed the lights work as expected and when I click the switch I heard the relay inside the device. I could pair it without any problem. but one strange thing is that it has been added as two devices, in the first one I see the information in HA and in the second one the switch, but if I turn on or turn off it does not work.

Sorry I put everything in one image as I can only post one image:

Any ideas?

Sorry I’m very new with this.

With mine there was a weird name actually given to the light itself…

the actual one ended in light.SOMETHING_level
you will just have to go through all the entities of the node and toggle each one until you get the right one…

Hi thanks for you response, by the way I’ve checked it and as I thought Fibaro single switch does not have level (because in theory it cannot control lights). And in the next picture you can see that other fibaro dimmer I have working it does have the Level but not the single switch:

Since recent I have the same with 3 of my FGS213 switches: they show themselves multiple times. One of them even show itself as 3 devices. The anoying is that I have to click the switch twice to shut off the symbol (the light attached to it remains switched off, so no toggle). I tried to remove all from the core.device_registery and core.entity_registry, but no luck whatsover.
Did you find a solution in the mean time?