Fibaro FGSD002, no state changes


I have a Fibaro FGSD002 smoke sensor together with an Aeon Labs Z-Stick (Gen 5). There are multiple entity_id’s but I can’t find anyone that reacts when testing the sensor. Anybody that knows what entity_id that is supposed to work or if I need to do some changes in e.g. OZCP?

Here are my entity_id’s:

  • binary_sensor.fibaro_system_fgsd002_smoke_sensor_sensor_9
  • sensor.fibaro_system_fgsd002_smoke_sensor_alarm_level_9
  • sensor.fibaro_system_fgsd002_smoke_sensor_alarm_type_9
  • sensor.fibaro_system_fgsd002_smoke_sensor_burglar_9
  • sensor.fibaro_system_fgsd002_smoke_sensor_general_9
  • sensor.fibaro_system_fgsd002_smoke_sensor_heat_9
  • sensor.fibaro_system_fgsd002_smoke_sensor_power_management_9
  • sensor.fibaro_system_fgsd002_smoke_sensor_smoke_9
  • sensor.fibaro_system_fgsd002_smoke_sensor_sourcenodeid_9
  • sensor.fibaro_system_fgsd002_smoke_sensor_system_9
  • sensor.fibaro_system_fgsd002_smoke_sensor_temperature_9


I have the same sensor.
I use the open lid state for easy testing (and of course as well for when someone is messing with it)

Here my code.

Change all the 2’s into a 9. As yours has a 9.

Example smoke sensor detected smoke:
- alias: Smoke Sensor SMOKE
    platform: state
    entity_id: sensor.fibaro_system_fgsd002_smoke_sensor_smoke_2
        - condition: state
          entity_id: sensor.fibaro_system_fgsd002_smoke_sensor_smoke_2
          state: '255'
    - service: notify.TelegramBotUrgent
        title: 'Fibaro Smoke Sensor: '
        message: '******* Rookmelder gaat af *******'
    - service: cover.open_cover
      entity_id: cover.fibaro_system_fgrm222_roller_shutter_controller_2_level_3

Example no more smoke detected:

- alias: Smoke Sensor NOSMOKE
    platform: state
    entity_id: sensor.fibaro_system_fgsd002_smoke_sensor_smoke_2
        - condition: state
          entity_id: sensor.fibaro_system_fgsd002_smoke_sensor_smoke_2
          state: '0'
    service: notify.TelegramBotUrgent
      title: 'Fibaro Smoke Sensor: '
      message: 'Rookmelder gestopt (handmatig of automatisch)'

Example lid of smoke sensor is open:

- alias: Smoke Sensor Open
    platform: state
    entity_id: sensor.fibaro_system_fgsd002_smoke_sensor_burglar_2
      condition: or
        - condition: state
          entity_id: sensor.fibaro_system_fgsd002_smoke_sensor_burglar_2
          state: '3'
        - condition: state
          entity_id: sensor.fibaro_system_fgsd002_smoke_sensor_burglar_2
          state: '8'
    - service: notify.TelegramBotUrgent
        title: 'Fibaro Smoke Sensor: '
        message: 'Smoke Sensor Opened!!'
    - service: cover.open_cover
      entity_id: cover.fibaro_system_fgrm222_roller_shutter_controller_2_level_3

Example lid is closed:

- alias: Smoke Sensor Closed
    platform: state
    entity_id: sensor.fibaro_system_fgsd002_smoke_sensor_burglar_2
        - condition: state
          entity_id: sensor.fibaro_system_fgsd002_smoke_sensor_burglar_2
          state: '0'
    - service: notify.TelegramBotUrgent
        title: 'Fibaro Smoke Sensor: '
        message: 'Smoke Sensor Closed'
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Wonderful! Thank you, I will try this out.

By the way, is your sensor reacting on the Self Test?

The sensor is reacting yes (you do need to keep the button pressed for like 15 sec orso), and it makes quite a noise so keep a pillow at hand!.
HASS doesn’t seem to react on it though, that’s why I used the lid open/closed for testing stuff (like automatic opening of rollershutters).

When there is smoke (or the lid opens) I get a Telegram notification (in a telegram urgent bot. I also have a non urgent bot), all lights flash (the colored ones flash red) and then they stay on full brightness so I can find my way when it’s dark/smoke, and the rollershutters go up (so I might get out from that window and the thing is up in case power will fall out).
Later I might add other actions to the trigger.
Hopefully none of that all is ever needed! :slight_smile:

Yes I have tested the self-test and got my ears destroyed. Good to know that you got info that HASS doesn’t react on it. Cool with the lights. I will at least configure for all lights on and some notifications. Trying Twilio SMS and Pushbullet for it.

Thnx for all the help!

I found that recently I got a lot of notifications that the alarm stopped though it didn’t even go off.
So I changed this part of the code from this:

- alias: Smoke Sensor NOSMOKE
    platform: state
    entity_id: sensor.fibaro_system_fgsd002_smoke_sensor_smoke_2
        - condition: state
          entity_id: sensor.fibaro_system_fgsd002_smoke_sensor_smoke_2
          state: '0'
    service: notify.TelegramBotUrgent
      title: 'Fibaro Smoke Sensor: '
      message: 'Rookmelder gestopt (handmatig of automatisch)'

to this:

- alias: Smoke Sensor NOSMOKE
    platform: state
    entity_id: sensor.fibaro_system_fgsd002_smoke_sensor_smoke_2
    from: '255'
    service: notify.TelegramBotUrgent
      title: 'Fibaro Smoke Sensor: '
      message: 'Rookmelder gestopt (handmatig of automatisch)'

I didn’t test it yet with real smoke, but at least the false positives are now gone.

I am having issues with state changes on my FGSD002 too. I see all the sensors in “states”, but the only fibaro sensor that updates is sensor.fibaro_system_fgsd002_smoke_sensor_temperature_2. Removing the lid triggers no change in sensor.fibaro_system_fgsd002_smoke_sensor_burglar_2. I seem to be missing something basic in my setup. This is one of my two first zwave devices. What am I missing here?

My sensor.aeotec_zw100_multisensor_6_burglar_3 does update.

My zwave configuration:

  usb_path: /dev/ttyACM0
  config_path: /srv/hass/hass_venv/lib/python3.4/site-packages/libopenzwave-0.3.1-py3.4-linux-armv7l.egg/config
  polling_interval: 60000

Just a thought. Did you configure in OZWP that the sensor should report on for instance lid opening?
By default my sensor didn’t send any information via ZWAVE and I had to turn that on.

Aha! I have not done any changes in OZWP at all. Was the lid-setting the only setting you did change in OZWP?

I can’t remember. At least I had to enable ZWAVE notifications. Perhaps that will be enough.
If needed I can send a printscreen of my settings, but that will be tomorrow or the day after.

If you have the all in one installer on a pi you can enter OZWCP like this:

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You are right @PuckStar. Notifications are not enabled by default. Thank you!
I have now changed the notifications on my device, but I have not tested yet. Will test when I get home.

And @Jonas_Wikstrom I did not mean to highjack your thread here. We had the same problem :slight_smile:

Haha no problem at all @runekausland . Hopefully this will fix this for me too…

It worked! Thank you PuckStar.

To program a zwave device it has to be awake. If it is in sleep mode it will not work. The Fibaro Smoke Sensor is waked by clicking the button.

When enabling ZWAVE notifications I noticed that the temperature sensor now gives a temperature of 0.0.

Do you see a similar (side) effect?

No. I get the temp readings just fine. Is it still not working?

No. Has been 0.0 since enabling the ZWAVE notification option using the OpenZwave Control Panel.

Wondering if more see this problem…

Update: Since version 0.39 the temperature readings work again.

I had trouble with my Fibaro FGS-223, it didn’t show the correct state. I did a Reset and then I added the device in secure mode using OZWCP. After that it works like a charm!

Hi! Sorry for hijacking this thread… Have any tested this sensor with actual smoke or test gas? If I understand correctly Its the entity sensor.fibaro_system_fgsd002_smoke_sensor_smoke which should change state on smoke detection, but for some reason I have two entity ids for smoke: (3 is node id):
sensor.fibaro_system_fgsd002_smoke_sensor_smoke_3_1 (current state: 0)
sensor.fibaro_system_fgsd002_smoke_sensor_smoke_3_4 (current state: 254)

Anyone know the difference between these? The entity for heat also has two ids:
sensor.fibaro_system_fgsd002_smoke_sensor_heat_3_4 (current state: 0)
sensor.fibaro_system_fgsd002_smoke_sensor_heat_3_7 (current state: 254)

Hi Jonas, have you got it to work yet?
I also have a Fibaro FGSD002.
Added it (correctly I THINK), can see all the sensors and temperature reporting… but that seems to be it.

I have five of these and they are working. Bought smoke in a can and tested them.

When sensor.smokebedroom_smoke_23_1 change to 255 the alarm has been triggered.