Fibaro FSG-213

Hi all,
first post here :slight_smile:
I tried to seach about the problem I have but no luck. So here is my problem.

I started a brand new install of HA over Raspbian. I installed openzwave and plugged my Aeotec Z-Stick S5 and added the conf, so now I can see zwave device.
I added my first switch, a Fibaro FSG213 and I was able to see the switch.
It came out as a “switch”, no brand.
So i went down and I found my install was missing the proper .xml files for this device.
Wen to github and downloaded the fsg213.xml and updated the manucaturer*.xml

Removed and added again. Reboot.

Now I can see the switch as a Fibaro device, it get all the sensors, but I see the switch twice (actually 2 instances), one wornking and the other not.

I suppose I’m missing somenthing…


I’ve tried to cleanup things but still no luck.
I removed the device
I uninstalled and reinstalled the openzwave package (removing files too)
I removed the zwcfg_*.xml file
I factory reset the USB Stick

Then I reconfigured everything, but as soon as I add the switch I have two instance, one is called “Switch” and is working (and is the one I expect to find) and a second instance called “FIBARO System FGS213 Switch” (with id switch.fibaro_system_fgs213_switch_switch_2_0_2) that I do not understand where it come from…

Any help is appreciated.

Some more info.
I found a copy of the files I added on forst steps in /srv/homeassistant/lib/python3.5/site-packages/python_openzwave/ozw_config
Is this a cache copy of the files under /etc/openzwave ?
Is there a way to clean it up?


Please help me.
I reinstalled everything, I reset everything, I even asked Amazon a replacement FSG213 but I still get 2 instances!!!

I am also seeing two instances for my FSG-213.
I believe this has to do with the two input ports of the FSG-213 (S1 and S2).
If you use it as a simple switch S2 is not connected, but you can use pulse contacts and set other behaviour in the FSG-213. For example set an action when long pressing. I have no use for advanced behaviours.

I tried excluding the instance in the zwave config of Home Assistant, but that does nothing.
You can make the instance invisible using
Note that the instance is only invisible and not removed from HA.

Any other ideas are appreciated.