I am in a comparable position as this user @Seyude and I have seen this topic.
[Z-wave USB or Z-wave HUB (HC2) - (https://community.home-assistant.io/t/z-wave-usb-or-z-wave-hub-hc2/359223)
I have a HC2 with a number of Fibaro, Qubino and Aeotec Zwave devices and a considerable number of (complex) automations. and I am dissatified with the HC2 possibilities. So I loaded a pi with Hassos and integrated the HC2 in HA.
I see all the devices and scenes etc but I have one problem. The majority of my devices are dimmers but they are represented as swithces. only on/off function. Where and how should I configure my YAML configuration to configure these devices as device_class: light or should I change something on the HC2 side?
My advice: go full-on HA… I’ve had some trouble at start, but once you get the hang of HA and in my case Nore-red (Love it!) You wanne quit Fibaro asap.
The integration sometime gives wrong states of lights and this is verry frustating. Changing over to HA without HC2 integration works best.
Over the course of a few days/weeks I now deleted all the fibaro scenes, virtual devices and variables only to use the new ones made in HA. There are still some lights and switches on HC2, mostly because I have to open-up wallsockets and stuff.
The problem you have with dimmers showing as switches I didn’t experience btw, no idea what it can be.
Thanks for your reply.
In my case there are some serious drawbacks to your solution.
I have some very complex automations which can’t be translated into yaml. So I have to transfer them to Python but I didn’t master Appdeamon yet
Nearly all of my units are in wall sockets some of them really hard to access
I really use the mesh function. If I break up the mesh, part of the network might become unreachable.
Fibaro distributes on regular basis firmware updates for the devices. Connecting them to e.g. an Aeotec gen5 stick will break this function.
All and all not a very appealing project.
And you still need a hub wether it is the HC2 or the Aeotec gen5 stick.
But yes, I can start with the Qubino unit, relatively easy to access, not necessary as mesh node but a very complicated automation.
First mastering Appdeamon, translating the automation from Lula to Python and then migrate the device.
However compelling, the drawback of opening all wall boxes to remove and add devices and migrate all my automations is really high, apart from the fact that I seem not to succeed in getting my Aeotec gen5 stick to work.
I checked the devices in the Fibaro HC2. All devices are set als device kind: dimmer so I should expect to see all these devices as dimmers.
I am interested who wrote the Fibaro Api, because I expect the answer is to be found there.
Don’t know if it helps, but you can try to use the custom slider-entity-row from @thomasloven on HACS. I control my Dimmers from HC2 with that. Might not be the sollution but you can troubleshoot if it works.
I my home I have 3 hubs ( hc2, and 2 hcl all connected), my main objective is sincronize to Apple home kit all me devices, the idea is hc2-HA-home kit. And after all open a new world of possibilities that HA gives me.
At moment I have about 120 devices in hc2 with 2 hcl.
I think I have 2 options to do this, sincronize all devices to HA or adding all devices in HA right?