Fibaro Home Center 3 Lite

In the Fibaro integration it just state that it support Fibaro hub.
Does anyone know if it is compatible with the new Home Center 3 Lite??
Perhaps the API is so similar that the integration works I the same way as for HC2 and HCL??

Very odd, but I can’t find the HC3L on the Fibaro webpage, but I can buy it in Swedish stores…
edit: I now find it and posted the link below.


I think it’s likely to work but not tested it.

Thanks for your feedback.
That’s the old HCL.
I found the new unit link now;

Just bought a HC3L and the devices show up like expected in HA with the currently available integration.
I haven’t tried all features, but just the fact that the devices show up is good enough for me.

So question solved…

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Can you please help me connect my HC3 to HA?

I’m stuck and don’t know where to start

Hi @advanc3d
There is a Fibaro Integration nowadays. Just install that from the integrations section in HA.

No need for YAML anymore. If you use one of the later core versions of HA that is

Hey @Piffis,

Thanks for the reply, :slight_smile:

I’m still very much a HA noob.

I’m having troubles understanding whats required to connect Fibaro HC3 to HA so I can leverage Z-wave devices. I’m trying to add the Fibaro integration - Fibaro - Home Assistant

I’m greeted by this screen
HC3 Integration

I have tried to use http:// IPADDRESS/api/* and https://*

Neither of these are working, and appears I cant find any suitable documentation.

Any Ideas? Thanks

I have an old HC2 and used http://<HC_IP_ADDRESS>/api/
I made a separate user, with dedicated password, on the HC2 and granted several devices to that user.

I don’t know if this is the same on a HC3 though…

Thats a good start. But you should have your internal IP address for your HCL.

Then either a separate user account details you created on your HCL to use in HA. Or the admin account if you prefer that.
If not the admin account, make sure to remember to make your devices available to the user in your HCL, if not, no devices will become visible

It’s exactly the same for HC3L.
But in later versions of HA the text we had to put in the config.yaml is history, there’s now a proper Fibaro integration

FYI, I do use the new integration, and it is working nicely. The problem is I don’t recall which specific URL I used for the integration setup, though…

Is there a way to check this somewhere, so I can answer @advanc3d question which URL does work for sure?

@Domoticon Ah, ok, sorry I missunderstood.
Thought you ran the older yaml setup.

I replied to @advanc3d that it is the internal IP of the HC3L he needs to use.

If he is able to log in to the HC3L then he knows the IP. If it’s a new or resettled setup, then I believe the default IP is stated on the HC3L unit.

Or log into your router to find what IP was assigned to HC3L

In my case I use this in the HA Fibaro integration (as an example)(obviously the IP needs to be changed to your local IP);

It’s good to assign a static IP to your HC3L.
Either in the HC3L itself, or in your router.

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Clear! :+1:

As an old HomeSeer user just converted to home assistant … I’m have issue with z-wave
Sometimes work but many time not…
Winter to buy FIBARO Home Center 3 Lite

You can confirm it’s working ?


Yes, it works… there is a very simple integration for Fibaro and HCL3 works like a charm.

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But the limitation are 40 devices!
Do you know if Fibaro also see other type of zwave … ? As I also have some Aeotec equipment.


Yes, there are limitations on how many devices, scenes etc you can use. So if you have a large home with 40+ devices. Then don’t go for the “lite” version.

As for other devices; it’s a Zwave hub, it should work with all Zwave devices. I have 2-3 different brands on my devices. Aeotec multi sensor as an example… works without problem.
But if you have doubts, google each device you want to use to see if other people have any problems. Often, there are compatibility charts etc…

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