Fibaro hub - discovered devices have wrong domain

I’ve set up integration with fibaro HC2
looks like discovered device domain is determined from Category assigned to it in HC2. That is ok in general, but some of my devices had wrong category and after they were exported by HA it cannot be fixed. Changing category in HC2 is not processed by integration. E.g. relay turning the heating on/off on the first floor used to be ‘light’ in fibaro and got ‘light.’ prefix in id after export, while relay responsible for heating on the second floor was not assigned with ‘light’ in HC2 and exported as ‘switch.’

Is it possible to narrow domains of discovered HC2 devices? I’ve tried to remove integration from config, restart HA, add it back and restart again to force sync but no luck…

Another problem of the same kind - some devices in HC2 are presented twice the device itself and it’s first channel (as I get it for z-wave backward compatibility). Is it possible to configure a device to be ignored by integration?