Fibaro Roller Shutter 3 (FGR-223) - cannot get it to work properly

Well, all of the sudden my FGR-223 started to work as expected (press & forget). Don’t ask me what I did, because I do not know :slight_smile: (other than opening the circuit breaker and closing it again).

As for the cover…switch entity, I got rid of it by ignoring it on the zwave component.

Fixed itself?
I did the update to 0.87.1 and it still does not work correctly

Same here. On the Fibaro forum it has been stated that Fibaro is aware that positioning does not work correctly and they are working on a fix.

I did not upgrade my HASSIO (I’m still on 0.86.4), so that is not what did the trick.
I can also confirm that I am able to set my shutters to a specific percentage using HASSIO (it is also working with Google Home by using the google assistant component).

Regarding the issue that Fibaro is aware of, I’m not sure how we will manage to update our FGR-223 firmware, as Fibaro requires users to have their Home Center to apply firmware updates on their zwave devices.

tiny progress:

Apparently Fibaro changed the way they work with scenes. HA needs to implement the new way. Here is a link to a post with more details:

This is my solution to the problem of the position of the covers:

First under Configuration -> Z-Wave -> Nodes -> select your fibaro roller shutter then “Entities for this node” -> “your node” with “level” in the name -> set “Polling Intensity” to 1 then save. Do the same for each fibaro cover.

Now add (write your names of covers) lines in the configuration.yaml file:

# Fix to covers position 
  polling_interval: 2000
      refresh_value: true
      refresh_value: true
      refresh_value: true
      refresh_value: true

Restart hass and try.
After the system has stabilized, it should indicate the position of the covers in “real time”.

A polling of 2000 means that your system will be polling the state of your devices every 2 seconds. In a relatively large network this could generate some severe bottlenecks and render the whole system useless.

Is your installation working OK after applying these changes? How many zwave devices do you have?

I was afraid about it…

Yes, by reducing the value I checked the stability

Only 12 (few with battery) but the target will be max. 20 z-wave.
In addition, more than 30 other non z-wave devices.
This is a temporary solution. I don’t know how it affects devices with a battery (no changes visible after 24 hours).
Without tests there is no answer. :slight_smile:

There are few queries to other devices in the OZW_Log.txt. There are many to those with Polling Intensity setting = 1

Files home-assistant_v2.db and OZW_Log.txt still growing. :joy:

This thread on the OpenZWave community forum provides some hints about this issue.
According to “Fishwaldo” on one of the last replies, there is something that needs to be done on HA side in order to make the FGR-223 report the shutter position correctly:

Some solutions here and on Github suggest to poll the device to get an update on its position. But this is not working on my end. Polling only helps to update the position when the blinds are either fully closed or fully open. When I move the blinds to halfway closed (either by using the cover.set_cover_position service or manually by usind the physical switches) it never updates to position 50. It always stays at 100. Any help how I can get this fixed using polling would be highly appreciated.

So no news for this problem? Is this Fibaro problem or HA?
I need to buy some roller shutters, but do not want to buy an old version…

Hi all,
i’m a noob in home assistant and even more a noob in zwave.

I bougth myself a gen 5 usb stick on amazon and this fibaro roller.
I modified my electricity installation to include the node and adapted the configuration of HA to include zwave

I know that I need to pair both devices ^^
and I somehow manage to do that at least once, and then i could put up the roller but then the device is displaied as dead :confused:

So i tried to remove it from it association (either in HA, either with a very long press on the stick and the 3 fast click on the B button of the fibaro)

I added a secure key in the option.xml file
and tried again to add my fibaro

when i add the device the log dispaly following information

as you can see I have some bullshit like
ERROR: Dropping command because node is presumed dead

I also copied/paste the the config settings bobsilesia gave but no more luck :confused:

Any idea ?

ps : I also tried a factory reset, the manual says long press on B until it change color to white, green, violet, yellow then release and click fast it should start blinking red after a time to tell it was reseted…

but mine goes white, green, violet, green and nothing happens …

The same manual said the calibration is done when release and fast click on white, … didn’t saw any calibration :confused:

just for info I bought a qubino model and manadged to make it work like expected. So it is this FGR 223 that is buggy, therefore I send it back to amazon…

Has anyone been successful to get the Fibaro Roller Shutter 3 with the newest firmware 5.11 running in Home Assistant? Incl. a correct position feedback? I have three of them with an old firmware and I’m wondering if it is worth it going through all the hazzle of sending it to the dealer to get a firmware update.


I tested the same automation as mentioned by majstermod

Here are my findings:

  1. Position / level is correctly presented when the position is changed manually via the pushbuttons
  2. Changing the position via UI controls is not reliable. When I set the roller shutter to fully open or fully closed (by clicking the up/down arrow in the UI) the position is sometimes not updated after the roller shutter reached it’s final position (and the motor has stopped).

I’m testing this second case, because I want to be able to change the position with my Google Home (via…

So now my current ‘working’ setup is without the suggested automation, but is polling the “cover.fibaro_system_fgrm223_roller_shutter_controller_3_level” with a ‘Polling intensity’ setting of 10s. I know this is a sub-optimal ‘solution’…

Note that I got a quite thorough status update on the fibaro site:

But this forum is probably the better place to discuss this…

Best regards,


Same issue here. Seems to be a known and reported issue in HA:

I’ll comment there with a link to this topic.

I created my own work-around based on the work-around mentioned by LooSik on the open Zwave Github page. It consist of 3 automations. Firstly an automation that starts a polling automation as soon as the cover starts drawing power:

- id: '1558164709864'
  alias: cover_study_start_sampling
  - above: '0'
    entity_id: sensor.cover_study_power
    platform: numeric_state
  condition: []
  - alias: ''
      entity_id: automation.cover_study_sample_status
    service: automation.turn_on

Secondly an automation (enabled by the first automation) that polls the cover every 2 seconds:

- id: '1558123485015'
  alias: cover_study_sample_status
  - platform: time_pattern
    seconds: /2
  condition: []
  - data:
    service: zwave.refresh_entity

And finally an automation that stops polling automation 5 seconds after the cover stops drawing power:

- id: '1558165456495'
  alias: cover_study_stop_sampling
  - below: '1'
    entity_id: sensor.cover_study_power
    for: 00:00:05
    platform: numeric_state
  condition: []
  - data:
      entity_id: automation.cover_study_sample_status
    service: automation.turn_off

So far this seems to work for me. The slider moves (in 2 second steps) while de cover is moving and is at it’s final position maximum 2 seconds after the cover has stopped moving. I’m (so far) not experiencing any (zwave) network issues, but that network at this momoment is only a z-wave stick and this one fibaro module. I’ll soon add 3 more same modules with the same automation. I’ll see if it then still works well.


Which firmware version is installed on your Fibaro Roller Shutters?

@ffm777, not sure if that question is for me or not.
I do not know what firmware version is installed in the Roller Shutters. I do not have a Fibaro hub. I run (on a rpi obviously) with a Aeotec Z-stick gen5. I do not know how to retrieve the firmware version from of the roller shutters with that. I’ve looked at several places like the OZW log, the entity attributes, zwcfg_0xxxxxxxxx.xml, but cannot find it. Any hint were to find it would be appreciated.
When I ordered the Roller Shutters online, the supplier called me and asked if I owned a Fibaro hub. If not they would update the roller shutters to the latest FW version for me before shipment. That would mean that they would have to open the box and they also wanted to know if I had no objections to that. Great service! That was on 1st of May. So, I assume that have a FW version as per 1st of May.

Then you are on the latest firmware version 5.11. That probably explains why a refresh entity call does give you the proper position of the shutter. I bought my Roller Shutters back in January and they have a very old firmware. In order to get them updated I have to uninstall them and send them to the dealer. Which is a pain. But most likely this is the only way to get them working properly…