Fibaro roller shutter 'level' attribute

Hi all.
This spring started with same problem of z-wave dead nodes I have last year (in spring i start to use my zwave cover controllers), so i’ve decided to raise the polling_interval to 90000. After a reboot, all nodes becomes ready. (i’m bewildered)

So, now the problem is that the level of the cover is not updated to Home Assistant after any action made to the cover. But if i refresh the node with the zwave control panel, the level is updated.

What can I do to solve this? Can be related to new Home Assistant release (0.71.0)?

Hi @blackgear,
I noticed similar issues with my Fibaro Roller Shutters. It seams to be a firmware issue.
Sometimes the level isn’t reported at all or even wrong (e.g. max at 80 instead of 100). Usually a new calibration through Parameter 29 (Forced shutter calibration) solves it for me.
Hope that helps.

I’ve try a recalibration but it does not solve the problem.

I’m pretty sure that older releases of home assistant does not have this problem, but the only method to prove is downgrade, and don’t want to do so…

It‘s indeed a firmware issue. I provided a workaround solution here: Fibaro Roller Shutter 3 (FGR-223) - cannot get it to work properly